C# Class MIConvexHull.ConvexFaceInternal

This internal class manages the faces of the convex hull. It is a separate class from the desired user class.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
AdjacentFaces int[]
FurthestVertex int
InList bool
Index int
IsNormalFlipped bool
Next ConvexFaceInternal
Normal double[]
Offset double
Previous ConvexFaceInternal
Tag int
Vertices int[]
VerticesBeyond IndexBuffer

Public Methods

Method Description
ConvexFaceInternal ( int dimension, int index, IndexBuffer beyondList ) : System.Collections.Generic

Initializes a new instance of the ConvexFaceInternal class.

Method Details

ConvexFaceInternal() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ConvexFaceInternal class.
public ConvexFaceInternal ( int dimension, int index, IndexBuffer beyondList ) : System.Collections.Generic
dimension int
index int
beyondList IndexBuffer
return System.Collections.Generic

Property Details

AdjacentFaces public_oe property

Gets or sets the adjacent face data.
public int[] AdjacentFaces
return int[]

FurthestVertex public_oe property

The furthest vertex.
public int FurthestVertex
return int

InList public_oe property

Is it present in the list.
public bool InList
return bool

Index public_oe property

Index of the face inside the pool.
public int Index
return int

IsNormalFlipped public_oe property

Is the normal flipped?
public bool IsNormalFlipped
return bool

Next public_oe property

Next node in the list.
public ConvexFaceInternal,MIConvexHull Next
return ConvexFaceInternal

Normal public_oe property

Gets or sets the normal vector.
public double[] Normal
return double[]

Offset public_oe property

Face plane constant element.
public double Offset
return double

Previous public_oe property

Prev node in the list.
public ConvexFaceInternal,MIConvexHull Previous
return ConvexFaceInternal

Tag public_oe property

Used to traverse affected faces and create the Delaunay representation.
public int Tag
return int

Vertices public_oe property

Gets or sets the vertices.
public int[] Vertices
return int[]

VerticesBeyond public_oe property

Gets or sets the vertices beyond.
public IndexBuffer VerticesBeyond
return IndexBuffer