C# Class Lykke.Job.CandlesHistoryWriter.Services.Candles.CandlesCheckerSilent

Inheritance: ICandlesChecker
Datei anzeigen Open project: LykkeCity/Lykke.Job.CandlesHistoryWriter

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
Log ILog

Public Methods

Method Description
CanHandleAssetPair ( string assetPairId ) : bool

Checks if we can handle/store the given asset pair.

CandlesCheckerSilent ( ILogFactory logFactory, ICandlesHistoryRepository historyRep, string component ) : Common.Log


Method Details

CanHandleAssetPair() public method

Checks if we can handle/store the given asset pair.
public CanHandleAssetPair ( string assetPairId ) : bool
assetPairId string Asset pair ID.
return bool

CandlesCheckerSilent() public method

public CandlesCheckerSilent ( ILogFactory logFactory, ICandlesHistoryRepository historyRep, string component ) : Common.Log
logFactory ILogFactory The instance.
historyRep ICandlesHistoryRepository The instance.
component string Component name for log.
return Common.Log

Property Details

Log protected_oe property

protected ILog Log
return ILog