C# Class Lucene.Net.Search.Suggest.DocumentValueSourceDictionary.DocumentValueSourceInputIterator

Inheritance: Lucene.Net.Search.Suggest.DocumentDictionary.DocumentInputIterator
Datei anzeigen Open project: apache/lucenenet

Public Methods

Method Description
DocumentValueSourceInputIterator ( DocumentValueSourceDictionary outerInstance, bool hasPayloads, bool hasContexts ) : Lucene.Net.Documents

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetWeight ( Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc, int docId ) : long

Returns the weight for the current docId as computed by the weightsValueSource

Method Details

DocumentValueSourceInputIterator() public method

public DocumentValueSourceInputIterator ( DocumentValueSourceDictionary outerInstance, bool hasPayloads, bool hasContexts ) : Lucene.Net.Documents
outerInstance DocumentValueSourceDictionary
hasPayloads bool
hasContexts bool
return Lucene.Net.Documents

GetWeight() protected method

Returns the weight for the current docId as computed by the weightsValueSource
protected GetWeight ( Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc, int docId ) : long
doc Lucene.Net.Documents.Document
docId int
return long