C# Class KMP.KMPVesselDetail

Datei anzeigen Open project: TehGimp/KerbalMultiPlayer Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
activity Activity
idle bool
mass float
numCrew byte
percentFuel byte
percentRCS byte

Public Methods

Method Description
KMPVesselDetail ( ) : System

Method Details

KMPVesselDetail() public method

public KMPVesselDetail ( ) : System
return System

Property Details

activity public_oe property

The specific activity the vessel is performing in its situation
public Activity activity
return Activity

idle public_oe property

Whether or not the player controlling this vessel is idle
public bool idle
return bool

mass public_oe property

The mass of the vessel
public float mass
return float

numCrew public_oe property

The number of crew the vessel is holding. byte.Max signifies not applicable
public byte numCrew
return byte

percentFuel public_oe property

The percentage of fuel remaining in the vessel. byte.Max signifies no fuel capacity
public byte percentFuel
return byte

percentRCS public_oe property

The percentage of rcs fuel remaining in the vessel. byte.Max signifies no rcs capacity
public byte percentRCS
return byte