C# Class Ingres.Install.IngresProviderInstaller.MachineConfigXmlDocument

Inheritance: System.Xml.XmlDocument
Datei anzeigen Open project: fosslc/Ingres

Public Properties

Property Type Description
machineConfigFilename string

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateNavigator ( String path ) : XPathNavigator
Load ( ) : void
MachineConfigXmlDocument ( ) : System

Obtain the XmlDocument for the default machine.config for the default .NET Framework version.

MachineConfigXmlDocument ( string version ) : System

Obtain the XmlDocument for the machine.config in the specified .NET Framework version. If the specified version does not exits or if the specified version matches the default version, then Exists is set to false.

Save ( ) : void

Method Details

CreateNavigator() public method

public CreateNavigator ( String path ) : XPathNavigator
path String
return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator

Load() public method

public Load ( ) : void
return void

MachineConfigXmlDocument() public method

Obtain the XmlDocument for the default machine.config for the default .NET Framework version.
public MachineConfigXmlDocument ( ) : System
return System

MachineConfigXmlDocument() public method

Obtain the XmlDocument for the machine.config in the specified .NET Framework version. If the specified version does not exits or if the specified version matches the default version, then Exists is set to false.
public MachineConfigXmlDocument ( string version ) : System
version string
return System

Save() public method

public Save ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

machineConfigFilename public_oe property

The full path machine.config for the specified version if Exists == true or the full path machine.config of the default version if Exists == false.
public string machineConfigFilename
return string