C# Class ImageProcessor.Umbraco.PackageActions.AddConfigSections

This package action will Add a new HTTP Module to the web.config file.
This package action has been customized from the PackageActionsContrib Project. http://packageactioncontrib.codeplex.com
Inheritance: IPackageAction
Datei anzeigen Open project: JimBobSquarePants/ImageProcessor.Umbraco

Public Methods

Method Description
Alias ( ) : string

This Alias must be unique and is used as an identifier that must match the alias in the package action XML.

Execute ( string packageName, XmlNode xmlData ) : bool

Executes the specified package name.

SampleXml ( ) : XmlNode

Returns a Sample XML Node

Undo ( string packageName, XmlNode xmlData ) : bool

Undoes the specified package name.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddSectionToSectionGroup ( ConfigurationSectionGroup sectionGroup, string name, ConfigurationSection section ) : void

Method Details

Alias() public method

This Alias must be unique and is used as an identifier that must match the alias in the package action XML.
public Alias ( ) : string
return string

Execute() public method

Executes the specified package name.
public Execute ( string packageName, XmlNode xmlData ) : bool
packageName string Name of the package.
xmlData System.Xml.XmlNode The XML data.
return bool

SampleXml() public method

Returns a Sample XML Node
public SampleXml ( ) : XmlNode
return System.Xml.XmlNode

Undo() public method

Undoes the specified package name.
public Undo ( string packageName, XmlNode xmlData ) : bool
packageName string Name of the package.
xmlData System.Xml.XmlNode The XML data.
return bool