C# Class Icu.NativeMethods

Datei anzeigen Open project: sillsdev/icu-dotnet

Public Methods

Method Description
uset_add ( IntPtr set, char c ) : void

Adds the given character to the given Unicode set. After this call, uset_contains(set, c) will return TRUE. A frozen set will not be modified.

uset_addString ( IntPtr set, string str, int strLen ) : void

Adds the given string to the given Unicode set

uset_close ( IntPtr set ) : void

Disposes of the storage used by Unicode set. This function should be called exactly once for objects returned by uset_open()

uset_getItem ( IntPtr set, int itemIndex, int &start, int &end, IntPtr str, int strCapacity, ErrorCode &status ) : int

Returns an item of this Unicode set. An item is either a range of characters or a single multi-character string.

uset_getItemCount ( IntPtr set ) : int

Returns the number of items in this set. An item is either a range of characters or a single multi-character string

uset_open ( char start, char end ) : IntPtr

Creates a Unicode set that contains the range of characters start..end, inclusive. If start > end then an empty set is created (same as using uset_openEmpty().

uset_openPattern ( string pattern, int patternLength, ErrorCode &status ) : IntPtr

Creates a set from the given pattern.

Private Methods

Method Description
uset_toPattern ( IntPtr set, IntPtr result, int resultCapacity, bool escapeUnprintable, ErrorCode &status ) : int

Method Details

uset_add() public static method

Adds the given character to the given Unicode set. After this call, uset_contains(set, c) will return TRUE. A frozen set will not be modified.
public static uset_add ( IntPtr set, char c ) : void
set IntPtr The object to which to add the character
c char The character to add
return void

uset_addString() public static method

Adds the given string to the given Unicode set
public static uset_addString ( IntPtr set, string str, int strLen ) : void
set IntPtr The Unicode set to which to add the string
str string The string to add
strLen int The length of the string or -1 if null
return void

uset_close() public static method

Disposes of the storage used by Unicode set. This function should be called exactly once for objects returned by uset_open()
public static uset_close ( IntPtr set ) : void
set IntPtr Unicode set to dispose of
return void

uset_getItem() public static method

Returns an item of this Unicode set. An item is either a range of characters or a single multi-character string.
public static uset_getItem ( IntPtr set, int itemIndex, int &start, int &end, IntPtr str, int strCapacity, ErrorCode &status ) : int
set IntPtr The Unicode set
itemIndex int A non-negative integer in the range 0..uset_getItemCount(set)-1
start int Pointer to variable to receive first character in range, inclusive
end int Pointer to variable to receive the last character in range, inclusive
str IntPtr Buffer to receive the string, may be NULL
strCapacity int Capacity of str, or 0 if str is NULL
status ErrorCode Error Code
return int

uset_getItemCount() public static method

Returns the number of items in this set. An item is either a range of characters or a single multi-character string
public static uset_getItemCount ( IntPtr set ) : int
set IntPtr The Unicode set
return int

uset_open() public static method

Creates a Unicode set that contains the range of characters start..end, inclusive. If start > end then an empty set is created (same as using uset_openEmpty().
public static uset_open ( char start, char end ) : IntPtr
start char First character of the range, inclusive
end char Last character of the range, inclusive
return IntPtr

uset_openPattern() public static method

Creates a set from the given pattern.
public static uset_openPattern ( string pattern, int patternLength, ErrorCode &status ) : IntPtr
pattern string A string specifying what characters are in the set
patternLength int Length of the pattern, or -1 if null terminated
status ErrorCode The error code
return IntPtr