C# Class IQObjectMapper.Impl.Dict2Poco

Maps a dictionary to an object
Datei anzeigen Open project: jamietre/IQObjectMapper

Public Methods

Method Description
Dict2Poco ( IMapOptions options = null ) : System
Map ( object>.IEnumerable source, Type type ) : object

Map a dictionary-type object to a strongly typed object.

Map ( object>.IEnumerable source, object target ) : void

Method Details

Dict2Poco() public method

public Dict2Poco ( IMapOptions options = null ) : System
options IMapOptions
return System

Map() public method

Map a dictionary-type object to a strongly typed object.
public Map ( object>.IEnumerable source, Type type ) : object
source object>.IEnumerable
type System.Type
return object

Map() public method

public Map ( object>.IEnumerable source, object target ) : void
source object>.IEnumerable
target object
return void