C# Class Host.VM.ConfigBase

Inheritance: CK.Windows.Config.ConfigPage
Datei anzeigen Open project: Invenietis/ck-certified

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_app AppViewModel
_plugin IPluginProxy

Public Methods

Method Description
ConfigBase ( string editedPluginId, string displayName, AppViewModel app ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
AddActivableSection ( string name, string description ) : ConfigActivableSection
InitializePlugin ( ) : void
NotifyOfPropertiesChange ( ) : void
OnConfigChanged ( object sender, CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnConfigChangedInternal ( object sender, CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnInitialize ( ) : void
OnPluginDiscovered ( ) : void

Called when the plugin info could be retrieved the plugin has at least been DISCOVERED). From that moment on, the Config is available.

OnPluginLoaded ( ) : void

Called when the plugin could be retrieved (the plugin is LOADED). From that moment on, if a service exists, it is available.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnConfigChangedWrapper ( object sender, CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

AddActivableSection() protected method

protected AddActivableSection ( string name, string description ) : ConfigActivableSection
name string
description string
return ConfigActivableSection

ConfigBase() public method

public ConfigBase ( string editedPluginId, string displayName, AppViewModel app ) : System
editedPluginId string
displayName string
app AppViewModel
return System

InitializePlugin() protected method

protected InitializePlugin ( ) : void
return void

NotifyOfPropertiesChange() protected method

protected NotifyOfPropertiesChange ( ) : void
return void

OnConfigChanged() protected abstract method

protected abstract OnConfigChanged ( object sender, CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs
return void

OnConfigChangedInternal() protected method

protected OnConfigChangedInternal ( object sender, CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs
return void

OnInitialize() protected method

protected OnInitialize ( ) : void
return void

OnPluginDiscovered() protected method

Called when the plugin info could be retrieved the plugin has at least been DISCOVERED). From that moment on, the Config is available.
protected OnPluginDiscovered ( ) : void
return void

OnPluginLoaded() protected method

Called when the plugin could be retrieved (the plugin is LOADED). From that moment on, if a service exists, it is available.
protected OnPluginLoaded ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

_app protected_oe property

protected AppViewModel _app
return AppViewModel

_plugin protected_oe property

protected IPluginProxy _plugin
return IPluginProxy