C# Class Helpmebot.Helpmebot6

Helpmebot main class
Datei anzeigen Open project: helpmebot/helpmebot

Public Properties

Property Type Description
StartupTime System.DateTime

Public Methods

Method Description
Stop ( ) : void

The stop.

Private Methods

Method Description
BlockMonitoringOnJoinEvent ( object sender, Helpmebot.IRC.Events.JoinEventArgs joinEventArgs ) : void

The block monitoring on join event.

BootstrapContainer ( ) : void

The bootstrap container.

InitialiseBot ( ) : void

The initialise bot.

IrcInviteEvent ( object sender, Helpmebot.IRC.Events.InviteEventArgs e ) : void

The IRC invite event.

JoinChannels ( ) : void

The join channels.

Main ( ) : void

The main.

NotifyOnJoinEvent ( object sender, Helpmebot.IRC.Events.JoinEventArgs e ) : void

The notify on join event.

ReceivedMessage ( object sender, Helpmebot.IRC.Events.MessageReceivedEventArgs ea ) : void

The received message.

TODO: upgrade this, get rid of PMEA call.

SetupEvents ( ) : void

The setup events.

WelcomeNewbieOnJoinEvent ( object sender, Helpmebot.IRC.Events.JoinEventArgs e ) : void

The welcome newbie on join event.

Method Details

Stop() public static method

The stop.
public static Stop ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

StartupTime public_oe static_oe property

The start-up time.
public static DateTime,System StartupTime
return System.DateTime