C# Class Google.Apis.Tests.MockBackOffHandler

Base mock back-off handler which contains a list of all waited time spans.
Inheritance: Google.Apis.Http.BackOffHandler
Datei anzeigen Open project: Gainedge/BetterExplorer

Public Methods

Method Description
MockBackOffHandler ( BackOffHandler initializer ) : System

Constructs a new back-off handler by the given initializer.

MockBackOffHandler ( IBackOff backOff ) : System

Constructs a new back-off handler by the given back-off.

Protected Methods

Method Description
Wait ( System.TimeSpan ts, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task

Method Details

MockBackOffHandler() public method

Constructs a new back-off handler by the given initializer.
public MockBackOffHandler ( BackOffHandler initializer ) : System
initializer Google.Apis.Http.BackOffHandler
return System

MockBackOffHandler() public method

Constructs a new back-off handler by the given back-off.
public MockBackOffHandler ( IBackOff backOff ) : System
backOff IBackOff
return System

Wait() protected method

protected Wait ( System.TimeSpan ts, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task
ts System.TimeSpan
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken
return Task