C# Class FontVal.Progress

Summary description for Progress.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Form, Driver.DriverCallbacks
Datei anzeigen Open project: HinTak/Font-Validator

Public Methods

Method Description
DeleteTemporaryFiles ( List arrReportFiles ) : void
GetReportFileName ( string sFontFile ) : string
OnBeginFontTest ( string fname, int nth, int nFonts ) : void
OnBeginRasterTest ( string label ) : void
OnBeginTableTest ( OTFontFile.DirectoryEntry de ) : void
OnCancel ( ) : void
OnCloseReportFile ( string sReportFile ) : void
OnException ( Exception e ) : void
OnOTFileValChange ( OTFileVal fontFile ) : void
OnOpenReportFile ( string sReportFile, string fpath ) : void
OnReportsReady ( ) : void
OnTestProgress ( object oParam ) : void
Progress ( Form1 formParent, Validator v, string sFilenames, ReportFileDestination rfd, bool bOpenReportFiles, string sReportFixedDir ) : System
StartWorkerThread ( ) : void
Worker ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
UpdateTestProgressWorker ( string s ) : void
ValidationDieDieDie ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CloseOurForm ( ) : void
CloseOurFormWorker ( ) : void
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

OpenReportFiles ( List arrCaptions, List arrReportFiles ) : void
UpdateLabelText ( System label, string text ) : void
UpdateLabelTextWorker ( System label, string text ) : void
UpdateLabelVisible ( System label, bool bValue ) : void
UpdateLabelVisibleWorker ( System label, bool bValue ) : void
btnCancel_Click ( object sender, System e ) : void

Method Details

DeleteTemporaryFiles() public method

public DeleteTemporaryFiles ( List arrReportFiles ) : void
arrReportFiles List
return void

Dispose() protected method

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

GetReportFileName() public method

public GetReportFileName ( string sFontFile ) : string
sFontFile string
return string

OnBeginFontTest() public method

public OnBeginFontTest ( string fname, int nth, int nFonts ) : void
fname string
nth int
nFonts int
return void

OnBeginRasterTest() public method

public OnBeginRasterTest ( string label ) : void
label string
return void

OnBeginTableTest() public method

public OnBeginTableTest ( OTFontFile.DirectoryEntry de ) : void
de OTFontFile.DirectoryEntry
return void

OnCancel() public method

public OnCancel ( ) : void
return void

OnCloseReportFile() public method

public OnCloseReportFile ( string sReportFile ) : void
sReportFile string
return void

OnException() public method

public OnException ( Exception e ) : void
e Exception
return void

OnLoad() protected method

protected OnLoad ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
return void

OnOTFileValChange() public method

public OnOTFileValChange ( OTFileVal fontFile ) : void
fontFile OTFileVal
return void

OnOpenReportFile() public method

public OnOpenReportFile ( string sReportFile, string fpath ) : void
sReportFile string
fpath string
return void

OnReportsReady() public method

public OnReportsReady ( ) : void
return void

OnTestProgress() public method

public OnTestProgress ( object oParam ) : void
oParam object
return void

Progress() public method

public Progress ( Form1 formParent, Validator v, string sFilenames, ReportFileDestination rfd, bool bOpenReportFiles, string sReportFixedDir ) : System
formParent Form1
v Validator
sFilenames string
rfd ReportFileDestination
bOpenReportFiles bool
sReportFixedDir string
return System

StartWorkerThread() public method

public StartWorkerThread ( ) : void
return void

UpdateTestProgressWorker() protected method

protected UpdateTestProgressWorker ( string s ) : void
s string
return void

ValidationDieDieDie() protected method

protected ValidationDieDieDie ( ) : void
return void

Worker() public method

public Worker ( ) : void
return void