C# Class Fan.Sys.FanBool

Fanbool defines the methods for sys::Bool. The actual class used for representation is System.Boolean.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
m_defVal bool

Public Methods

Method Description
and ( bool self, bool b ) : bool
encode ( bool self, ObjEncoder @out ) : void
equals ( bool self, object obj ) : bool
fromStr ( string s ) : Boolean
fromStr ( string s, bool check ) : Boolean
hash ( bool self ) : long
not ( bool self ) : bool
or ( bool self, bool b ) : bool
toCode ( bool self ) : string
toLocale ( bool self ) : string
toStr ( bool self ) : string
type ( bool self ) : Type
xor ( bool self, bool b ) : bool

Method Details

and() public static method

public static and ( bool self, bool b ) : bool
self bool
b bool
return bool

encode() public static method

public static encode ( bool self, ObjEncoder @out ) : void
self bool
@out Fanx.Serial.ObjEncoder
return void

equals() public static method

public static equals ( bool self, object obj ) : bool
self bool
obj object
return bool

fromStr() public static method

public static fromStr ( string s ) : Boolean
s string
return Boolean

fromStr() public static method

public static fromStr ( string s, bool check ) : Boolean
s string
check bool
return Boolean

hash() public static method

public static hash ( bool self ) : long
self bool
return long

not() public static method

public static not ( bool self ) : bool
self bool
return bool

or() public static method

public static or ( bool self, bool b ) : bool
self bool
b bool
return bool

toCode() public static method

public static toCode ( bool self ) : string
self bool
return string

toLocale() public static method

public static toLocale ( bool self ) : string
self bool
return string

toStr() public static method

public static toStr ( bool self ) : string
self bool
return string

type() public static method

public static type ( bool self ) : Type
self bool
return Type

xor() public static method

public static xor ( bool self, bool b ) : bool
self bool
b bool
return bool

Property Details

m_defVal public_oe static_oe property

public static bool m_defVal
return bool