C# Class Eddi.EDDI

Eddi is the controller for all EDDI operations. Its job is to retain the state of the objects such as the commander, the current system, etc. and keep them up-to-date with changes that occur. It also passes on messages to responders to handle as required.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
monitors List
responders List

Public Methods

Method Description
Reload ( ) : void

Reload all monitors and responders

Reload ( string name ) : void

Reload a specific monitor or responder

Start ( ) : void
Stop ( ) : void
eventHandler ( Event journalEvent ) : void
refreshProfile ( ) : void

Obtain information from the companion API and use it to refresh our own data

Private Methods

Method Description
EDDI ( ) : EddiCompanionAppService
OnEvent ( Event @event ) : void
SetShip ( Ship ship ) : void
eventCommanderContinuedEvent ( CommanderContinuedEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventDocked ( DockedEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventEnteredNormalSpace ( EnteredNormalSpaceEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventEnteredSupercruise ( EnteredSupercruiseEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventJumped ( JumpedEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventJumping ( JumpingEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventLocation ( LocationEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventShipDeliveredEvent ( ShipDeliveredEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventShipSoldEvent ( ShipSoldEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventShipSwappedEvent ( ShipSwappedEvent theEvent ) : bool
eventUndocked ( UndockedEvent theEvent ) : bool
findMonitors ( ) : List

Find all monitors

findResponders ( ) : List

Find all responders

keepAlive ( string name, System.Action start ) : void

Keep a thread alive, restarting it as required

setCommanderTitle ( ) : void
setSystemDistanceFromHome ( StarSystem system ) : void
updateCurrentSystem ( string name ) : void

Method Details

Reload() public method

Reload all monitors and responders
public Reload ( ) : void
return void

Reload() public method

Reload a specific monitor or responder
public Reload ( string name ) : void
name string
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

Stop() public method

public Stop ( ) : void
return void

eventHandler() public method

public eventHandler ( Event journalEvent ) : void
journalEvent Event
return void

refreshProfile() public method

Obtain information from the companion API and use it to refresh our own data
public refreshProfile ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

monitors public_oe property

public List monitors
return List

responders public_oe property

public List responders
return List