C# Class CorsProxy.AspNet.CorsProxyRoute

Our route implementation which uses the CorsProxyHttpHandler.
Inheritance: System.Web.Routing.Route
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Public Methods

Method Description
Allow ( Uri targetUri ) : void

Allow this host

Used to only allow all specified hosts (calls to this method can be chained).

CorsProxyRoute ( string url ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the T:System.Web.Routing.Route class, by using the specified URL pattern and handler class.

GetRouteData ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Routing.RouteData
GetVirtualPath ( System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values ) : System.Web.Routing.VirtualPathData

Returns information about the URL that is associated with the route.

Private Methods

Method Description
SameHostAndPort ( Uri url1, Uri url ) : bool

Method Details

Allow() public method

Allow this host
Used to only allow all specified hosts (calls to this method can be chained).
public Allow ( Uri targetUri ) : void
targetUri System.Uri Uri which proxying is allowed to. Typically your back-end URI.
return void

CorsProxyRoute() public method

Initializes a new instance of the T:System.Web.Routing.Route class, by using the specified URL pattern and handler class.
public CorsProxyRoute ( string url ) : System
url string The URL pattern for the route.
return System

GetRouteData() public method

public GetRouteData ( System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext ) : System.Web.Routing.RouteData
httpContext System.Web.HttpContextBase
return System.Web.Routing.RouteData

GetVirtualPath() public method

Returns information about the URL that is associated with the route.
public GetVirtualPath ( System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values ) : System.Web.Routing.VirtualPathData
requestContext System.Web.Routing.RequestContext An object that encapsulates information about the requested route.
values RouteValueDictionary An object that contains the parameters for a route.
return System.Web.Routing.VirtualPathData