C# Class ContinuationExample.MainForm

Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.Form
Datei anzeigen Open project: drmohundro/presentations

Public Methods

Method Description
MainForm ( ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

Private Methods

Method Description
CalculateRandomNumber ( ) : int

Our really complicated, long running method

DoWorkWithAsync ( ) : Task

Example of using async/await to add threading (non-blocking) to our app. Can you see how these are basically doing the same thing?

DoWorkWithManualContinuations ( ) : IEnumerable

Example of using continuations (with coroutines) to add threading (non-blocking) to our app. Still using yield return, but our caller doesn't just enumerate the results because we don't want to block the UI. However, we're not having to use callbacks here. Why not? See AsyncResult code + the calling code. This ideas was popularized in .NET by the Caliburn library (which Deployer uses).

ExecuteContinuation ( IEnumerator enumerator ) : void

Recursively call continuations... it doesn't care about threads or not

GetRandomNumbers ( int numberOfRandomsToReturn ) : IEnumerable

Example of yield return here... C#'s implementation of coroutines Just syntactic sugar for returning an enumerable... except that it "yields" control to the calling method before going to the next option. And it is up to the caller to ask for the next result. (note the order of writelines) This is lazy evaluation works with LINQ (IQueryable)

GetRandomNumbersAsync ( int numberOfRandomsToReturn ) : Task

Example of using async/await to add threading (non-blocking) to our app. Can you see how these are basically doing the same thing?

GetRandomNumbersContinuation ( int numberOfRandomsToReturn ) : IEnumerable

Example of using continuations (with coroutines) to add threading (non-blocking) to our app. Still using yield return, but our caller doesn't just enumerate the results because we don't want to block the UI. However, we're not having to use callbacks here. Why not? See AsyncResult code + the calling code. This ideas was popularized in .NET by the Caliburn library (which Deployer uses).

InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

btnDoWorkAsync_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

C# does this for us natively now. Awesome.

btnDoWorkContinuation_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

This call will NOT block the UI thread.

btnDoWorkNormal_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

This call will block the UI thread... it also shows off the C# yield statement

btnNonBlockedUIManual_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

Dispose() protected method

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
return void

MainForm() public method

public MainForm ( ) : System
return System