C# Class ComponentFactory.Quicksilver.Binding.Eval

Accept and evaluate simple expressions using a specific .NET language syntax/semantics.
C# is implemented using the following LL(1) BNF. ------------------------------------------------ expression ::= condOr cond2 cond2 ::= '?' expression ':' expression | '??' expression | {empty} condOr ::= condAnd condOr2 condOr2 ::= '||' condAnd condOr2 | {empty} condAnd ::= logicalOr condAnd2 condAnd2 ::= '&&' logicalOr condAnd2 | {empty} logicalOr ::= logicalXor logicalOr2 logicalOr2 ::= '|' logicalXor logicalOr2 | {empty} logicalXor ::= logicalAnd logicalXor2 logicalXor2 ::= '^' logicalAnd logicalXor2 | {empty} logicalAnd ::= equality logicalAnd2 logicalAnd2 ::= '&' equality logicalAnd2 | {empty} equality ::= relational equality2 equality2 ::= '==' relational equality2 | '!=' relational equality2 | {empty} relational ::= shift relational2 relational2 ::= '<' shift relational2 | '>' shift relational2 | '<=' shift relational2 | '>=' shift relational2 | {empty} shift ::= addsub shift2 shift2 ::= '<<' addsub shift2 | '>>' addsub shift2 | {empty} addsub ::= term expression2 expression2 ::= '+' term expression2 | '-' term expression2 | {empty} term ::= factor term2 term2 ::= '*' factor term2 | '/' factor term2 | '%' factor term2 | {empty} factor ::= '+' factor | '-' factor | '!' factor | '~' factor | access access ::= primary access2 access2 ::= '.' identifier methodcall access2 | '[' arglist1 ']' access2 | {empty} methodcall ::= '(' arglist ')' | {empty} primary ::= integer-literal | real-literal | boolean-literal | char-literal | string-literal | identifier | '(' expression ')' arglist ::= expression arglist2 | {empty} arglist1 ::= expression arglist2 | arglist2 ::= ',' expression arglist2 | {empty} VB.NET is implemented using the following LL(1) BNF. ---------------------------------------------------- expression ::= logicalOrVB logicalXor2VB logicalXor2VB ::= 'Xor' logicalOrVB logicalXor2VB | {empty} logicalOrVB ::= logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB logicalOr2VB ::= 'Or' logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB | 'OrElse' logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB | {empty} logicalAndVB ::= logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB logicalAnd2VB ::= 'And' logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB | 'AndAlso' logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB | {empty} logicalNotVB ::= "Not' logicalNotVB | relationalVB relationalVB ::= shiftVB relational2VB relational2VB ::= '<' shiftVB relational2VB | '>' shiftVB relational2VB | '<=' shiftVB relational2VB | '>=' shiftVB relational2VB | '=' shiftVB relational2VB | '<>' shiftVB relational2VB | {empty} shiftVB ::= concatVB shift2VB shift2VB ::= '<<' concatVB shift2VB | '>>' concatVB shift2VB | {empty} concatVB ::= addsubVB concat2VB concat2VB ::= '&' addsubVB concat2VB | {empty} addsubVB ::= modVB addsub2VB addsub2VB ::= '+' modVB addsub2VB | '-' modVB addsub2VB | {empty} modVB ::= intdivVB mod2VB mod2VB ::= 'Mod' intdivVB mod2VB | {empty} intdivVB ::= termVB intdiv2VB intdiv2VB ::= '\' termVB intdiv2VB | {empty} termVB ::= factorVB term2VB term2VB ::= '*' factorVB term2VB | '/' factorVB term2VB | {empty} factorVB ::= '+' factorVB | '-' factorVB | expoVB expoVB ::= accessVB expo2VB expo2VB ::= '^' accessVB expo2VB | {empty} accessVB ::= primary access2VB access2VB ::= '.' identifier methodcall access2VB | '(' arglist1 ')' access2VB | {empty} methodcall ::= '(' arglist ')' | {empty} primary ::= integer-literal | real-literal | boolean-literal | char-literal | string-literal | identifier | '(' expression ')' arglist ::= expression arglist2 | {empty} arglist1 ::= expression arglist2 | arglist2 ::= ',' expression arglist2 | {empty}
Inheritance: Arithmetic
Datei anzeigen Open project: ComponentFactory/Quicksilver Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Eval ( ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.

Eval ( System.Language language ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.

Eval ( string input ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.

Eval ( string input, System.Language language ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.

PerformResolveIdentifier ( string identifier ) : object

Attempt to resolve the provided identifier into a value.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnResolveIdentifier ( ResolveIdentifierEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the ResolveIdentifier event.

ParseAccess ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'access' rule.

access ::= primary access2

ParseAccess2 ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'term2' rule.

access2 ::= '.' identifier methodcall access2 | '[' arglist1 ']' access2 | {empty}

ParseAccess2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'access2VB' rule.

access2VB ::= '.' identifier methodcall access2VB | '(' arglist1 ')' access2VB | {empty}

ParseAccessVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'accessVB' rule.

accessVB ::= primary access2VB

ParseAddSub ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'addsub' rule.

addsub ::= term expression2

ParseAddSub2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'addsub2VB' rule.

addsub2VB ::= '+' modVB addsub2VB | '-' modVB addsub2VB | {empty}

ParseAddSubVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'addsubVB' rule.

addsubVB ::= modVB addsub2VB

ParseArgList ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'arglist' rule.

arglist ::= expression arglist2 | {empty}

ParseArgList1 ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'arglist1' rule.

arglist1 ::= expression arglist2 |

ParseArgList2 ( ) : EvalNodeArgList

Process the 'arglist2' rule.

arglist2 ::= ',' expression arglist2 | {empty}

ParseConcat2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'concat2VB' rule.

concat2VB ::= '&' addsubVB concat2VB | {empty}

ParseConcatVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'concatVB' rule.

concatVB ::= addsubVB concat2VB

ParseCond2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'cond2' rule.

cond2 ::= '?' expression ':' expression | '??' expression | {empty}

ParseCondAnd ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'condAnd' rule.

condAnd ::= logicalOr condAnd2

ParseCondAnd2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'condAnd2' rule.

condAnd2 ::= '&&' logicalOr condAnd2 | {empty}

ParseCondOr ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'condOr' rule.

condOr ::= condAnd condOr2

ParseCondOr2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'condOr2' rule.

condOr2 ::= '||' condAnd condOr2 | {empty}

ParseEquality ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'equality' rule.

equality ::= relational equality2

ParseEquality2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'equality2' rule.

equality2 ::= '==' relational equality2 | '!=' relational equality2 | {empty}

ParseExpo2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'expo2VB' rule.

expo2VB ::= '^' accessVB expo2VB | {empty}

ParseExpoVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'expoVB' rule.

expoVB ::= accessVB expo2VB

ParseExpression ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'expression' rule.

expression ::= condOr cond2

ParseExpressionCS ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'expression' rule.

expression ::= condOr cond2

ParseExpressionVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'expression' rule.

expression ::= logicalOrVB logicalXor2VB

ParseFactor ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'factor' rule.

factor ::= '+' factor | '-' factor | '!' factor | '~' factor | access

ParseFactorVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'factorVB' rule.

factorVB ::= '+' factorVB | '-' factorVB | expoVB

ParseIntDiv2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'intdiv2VB' rule.

intdiv2VB ::= '\' termVB intdiv2VB | {empty}

ParseIntDivVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'intdivVB' rule.

intdivVB ::= termVB intdiv2VB

ParseLogicalAnd ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalAnd' rule.

logicalAnd ::= equality logicalAnd2

ParseLogicalAnd2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalAnd2' rule.

logicalAnd2 ::= '&' equality logicalAnd2 | {empty}

ParseLogicalAnd2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalAnd2VB' rule.

logicalAnd2VB ::= 'And' logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB | 'AndAlso' logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB | {empty}

ParseLogicalAndVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalAndVB' rule.

logicalAndVB ::= logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB

ParseLogicalNotVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalNotVB' rule.

logicalNotVB ::= 'Not' logicalNotVB | relationalVB

ParseLogicalOr ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalOr' rule.

logicalOr ::= logicalXor logicalOr2

ParseLogicalOr2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalOr2' rule.

logicalOr2 ::= '|' logicalXor logicalOr2 | {empty}

ParseLogicalOr2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalOr2VB' rule.

logicalOr2VB ::= 'Or' logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB | 'OrElse' logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB | {empty}

ParseLogicalOrVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalOrVB' rule.

logicalOrVB ::= logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB

ParseLogicalXor ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalXor' rule.

logicalXor ::= logicalAnd logicalXor2

ParseLogicalXor2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalXor2' rule.

logicalXor2 ::= '^' logicalAnd logicalXor2 | {empty}

ParseLogicalXor2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'logicalXor2VB' rule.

logicalXor2VB ::= 'Xor' logicalOrVB logicalXor2VB | {empty}

ParseMethodCall ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'methodcall' rule.

methodcall ::= '(' arglist ')' | {empty}

ParseMod2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'mod2VB' rule.

mod2VB ::= 'Mod' intdivVB mod2VB | {empty}

ParseModVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'modVB' rule.

modVB ::= intdivVB mod2VB

ParsePrimary ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'primary' rule.

primary ::= integer-literal | real-literal | boolean-literal | char-literal | string-literal | identifier | '(' expression ')'

ParseRelational ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'relational' rule.

relational ::= shift relational2

ParseRelational2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'relational2' rule.

relational2 ::= '<' shift relational2 | '>' shift relational2 | '<=' shift relational2 | '>=' shift relational2 | {empty}

ParseRelational2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'relational2VB' rule.

relational2VB ::= '<' shiftVB relational2VB | '>' shiftVB relational2VB | '<=' shiftVB relational2VB | '>=' shiftVB relational2VB | '=' shiftVB relational2VB | '<>' shiftVB relational2VB | {empty}

ParseRelationalVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'relationalVB' rule.

relationalVB ::= shiftVB relational2VB

ParseShift ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'shift' rule.

shift ::= addsub shift2

ParseShift2 ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'shift2' rule.

shift2 ::= '<<' addsub shift2 | '>>' addsub shift2 | {empty}

ParseShift2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'shift2VB' rule.

shift2VB ::= '<<' concatVB shift2VB | '>>' concatVB shift2VB | {empty}

ParseShiftVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'shiftVB' rule.

shiftVB ::= concatVB shift2VB

ParseTerm2 ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'term2' rule.

term2 ::= '*' factor term2 | '/' factor term2 | '%' factor term2 | {empty}

ParseTerm2VB ( ) : EvalNode

Process the 'term2VB' rule.

term2VB ::= '*' factorVB term2VB | '/' factorVB term2VB | {empty}

ParseTermVB ( ) : EvalNode

Parse the 'termVB' rule.

termVB ::= factorVB term2VB

Method Details

Eval() public method

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.
public Eval ( ) : System
return System

Eval() public method

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.
public Eval ( System.Language language ) : System
language System.Language Language used for parsing.
return System

Eval() public method

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.
public Eval ( string input ) : System
input string Input string to parse.
return System

Eval() public method

Initialize a new instance of the Eval class.
public Eval ( string input, System.Language language ) : System
input string Input string to parse.
language System.Language Language used for parsing.
return System

OnResolveIdentifier() protected method

Raises the ResolveIdentifier event.
protected OnResolveIdentifier ( ResolveIdentifierEventArgs e ) : void
e ResolveIdentifierEventArgs An ResolveIdentifierEventArgs containing the event data.
return void

ParseAccess() protected method

Parse the 'access' rule.
access ::= primary access2
protected ParseAccess ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseAccess2() protected method

Process the 'term2' rule.
access2 ::= '.' identifier methodcall access2 | '[' arglist1 ']' access2 | {empty}
protected ParseAccess2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseAccess2VB() protected method

Process the 'access2VB' rule.
access2VB ::= '.' identifier methodcall access2VB | '(' arglist1 ')' access2VB | {empty}
protected ParseAccess2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseAccessVB() protected method

Parse the 'accessVB' rule.
accessVB ::= primary access2VB
protected ParseAccessVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseAddSub() protected method

Parse the 'addsub' rule.
addsub ::= term expression2
protected ParseAddSub ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseAddSub2VB() protected method

Process the 'addsub2VB' rule.
addsub2VB ::= '+' modVB addsub2VB | '-' modVB addsub2VB | {empty}
protected ParseAddSub2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseAddSubVB() protected method

Parse the 'addsubVB' rule.
addsubVB ::= modVB addsub2VB
protected ParseAddSubVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseArgList() protected method

Process the 'arglist' rule.
arglist ::= expression arglist2 | {empty}
protected ParseArgList ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseArgList1() protected method

Process the 'arglist1' rule.
arglist1 ::= expression arglist2 |
protected ParseArgList1 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseArgList2() protected method

Process the 'arglist2' rule.
arglist2 ::= ',' expression arglist2 | {empty}
protected ParseArgList2 ( ) : EvalNodeArgList
return EvalNodeArgList

ParseConcat2VB() protected method

Process the 'concat2VB' rule.
concat2VB ::= '&' addsubVB concat2VB | {empty}
protected ParseConcat2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseConcatVB() protected method

Parse the 'concatVB' rule.
concatVB ::= addsubVB concat2VB
protected ParseConcatVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseCond2() protected method

Parse the 'cond2' rule.
cond2 ::= '?' expression ':' expression | '??' expression | {empty}
protected ParseCond2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseCondAnd() protected method

Parse the 'condAnd' rule.
condAnd ::= logicalOr condAnd2
protected ParseCondAnd ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseCondAnd2() protected method

Parse the 'condAnd2' rule.
condAnd2 ::= '&&' logicalOr condAnd2 | {empty}
protected ParseCondAnd2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseCondOr() protected method

Parse the 'condOr' rule.
condOr ::= condAnd condOr2
protected ParseCondOr ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseCondOr2() protected method

Parse the 'condOr2' rule.
condOr2 ::= '||' condAnd condOr2 | {empty}
protected ParseCondOr2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseEquality() protected method

Parse the 'equality' rule.
equality ::= relational equality2
protected ParseEquality ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseEquality2() protected method

Parse the 'equality2' rule.
equality2 ::= '==' relational equality2 | '!=' relational equality2 | {empty}
protected ParseEquality2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseExpo2VB() protected method

Parse the 'expo2VB' rule.
expo2VB ::= '^' accessVB expo2VB | {empty}
protected ParseExpo2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseExpoVB() protected method

Parse the 'expoVB' rule.
expoVB ::= accessVB expo2VB
protected ParseExpoVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseExpression() protected method

Parse the 'expression' rule.
expression ::= condOr cond2
protected ParseExpression ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseExpressionCS() protected method

Parse the 'expression' rule.
expression ::= condOr cond2
protected ParseExpressionCS ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseExpressionVB() protected method

Parse the 'expression' rule.
expression ::= logicalOrVB logicalXor2VB
protected ParseExpressionVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseFactor() protected method

Parse the 'factor' rule.
factor ::= '+' factor | '-' factor | '!' factor | '~' factor | access
protected ParseFactor ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseFactorVB() protected method

Parse the 'factorVB' rule.
factorVB ::= '+' factorVB | '-' factorVB | expoVB
protected ParseFactorVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseIntDiv2VB() protected method

Process the 'intdiv2VB' rule.
intdiv2VB ::= '\' termVB intdiv2VB | {empty}
protected ParseIntDiv2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseIntDivVB() protected method

Parse the 'intdivVB' rule.
intdivVB ::= termVB intdiv2VB
protected ParseIntDivVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalAnd() protected method

Parse the 'logicalAnd' rule.
logicalAnd ::= equality logicalAnd2
protected ParseLogicalAnd ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalAnd2() protected method

Parse the 'logicalAnd2' rule.
logicalAnd2 ::= '&' equality logicalAnd2 | {empty}
protected ParseLogicalAnd2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalAnd2VB() protected method

Parse the 'logicalAnd2VB' rule.
logicalAnd2VB ::= 'And' logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB | 'AndAlso' logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB | {empty}
protected ParseLogicalAnd2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalAndVB() protected method

Parse the 'logicalAndVB' rule.
logicalAndVB ::= logicalNotVB logicalAnd2VB
protected ParseLogicalAndVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalNotVB() protected method

Parse the 'logicalNotVB' rule.
logicalNotVB ::= 'Not' logicalNotVB | relationalVB
protected ParseLogicalNotVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalOr() protected method

Parse the 'logicalOr' rule.
logicalOr ::= logicalXor logicalOr2
protected ParseLogicalOr ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalOr2() protected method

Parse the 'logicalOr2' rule.
logicalOr2 ::= '|' logicalXor logicalOr2 | {empty}
protected ParseLogicalOr2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalOr2VB() protected method

Parse the 'logicalOr2VB' rule.
logicalOr2VB ::= 'Or' logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB | 'OrElse' logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB | {empty}
protected ParseLogicalOr2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalOrVB() protected method

Parse the 'logicalOrVB' rule.
logicalOrVB ::= logicalAndVB logicalOr2VB
protected ParseLogicalOrVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalXor() protected method

Parse the 'logicalXor' rule.
logicalXor ::= logicalAnd logicalXor2
protected ParseLogicalXor ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalXor2() protected method

Parse the 'logicalXor2' rule.
logicalXor2 ::= '^' logicalAnd logicalXor2 | {empty}
protected ParseLogicalXor2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseLogicalXor2VB() protected method

Parse the 'logicalXor2VB' rule.
logicalXor2VB ::= 'Xor' logicalOrVB logicalXor2VB | {empty}
protected ParseLogicalXor2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseMethodCall() protected method

Process the 'methodcall' rule.
methodcall ::= '(' arglist ')' | {empty}
protected ParseMethodCall ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseMod2VB() protected method

Process the 'mod2VB' rule.
mod2VB ::= 'Mod' intdivVB mod2VB | {empty}
protected ParseMod2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseModVB() protected method

Parse the 'modVB' rule.
modVB ::= intdivVB mod2VB
protected ParseModVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParsePrimary() protected method

Parse the 'primary' rule.
primary ::= integer-literal | real-literal | boolean-literal | char-literal | string-literal | identifier | '(' expression ')'
protected ParsePrimary ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseRelational() protected method

Parse the 'relational' rule.
relational ::= shift relational2
protected ParseRelational ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseRelational2() protected method

Parse the 'relational2' rule.
relational2 ::= '<' shift relational2 | '>' shift relational2 | '<=' shift relational2 | '>=' shift relational2 | {empty}
protected ParseRelational2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseRelational2VB() protected method

Parse the 'relational2VB' rule.
relational2VB ::= '<' shiftVB relational2VB | '>' shiftVB relational2VB | '<=' shiftVB relational2VB | '>=' shiftVB relational2VB | '=' shiftVB relational2VB | '<>' shiftVB relational2VB | {empty}
protected ParseRelational2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseRelationalVB() protected method

Parse the 'relationalVB' rule.
relationalVB ::= shiftVB relational2VB
protected ParseRelationalVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseShift() protected method

Parse the 'shift' rule.
shift ::= addsub shift2
protected ParseShift ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseShift2() protected method

Parse the 'shift2' rule.
shift2 ::= '<<' addsub shift2 | '>>' addsub shift2 | {empty}
protected ParseShift2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseShift2VB() protected method

Process the 'shift2VB' rule.
shift2VB ::= '<<' concatVB shift2VB | '>>' concatVB shift2VB | {empty}
protected ParseShift2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseShiftVB() protected method

Parse the 'shiftVB' rule.
shiftVB ::= concatVB shift2VB
protected ParseShiftVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseTerm2() protected method

Process the 'term2' rule.
term2 ::= '*' factor term2 | '/' factor term2 | '%' factor term2 | {empty}
protected ParseTerm2 ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseTerm2VB() protected method

Process the 'term2VB' rule.
term2VB ::= '*' factorVB term2VB | '/' factorVB term2VB | {empty}
protected ParseTerm2VB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

ParseTermVB() protected method

Parse the 'termVB' rule.
termVB ::= factorVB term2VB
protected ParseTermVB ( ) : EvalNode
return EvalNode

PerformResolveIdentifier() public method

Attempt to resolve the provided identifier into a value.
public PerformResolveIdentifier ( string identifier ) : object
identifier string Identifier to resolve.
return object