C# Class ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonPaletteGrid

Storage of palette grid states.
Inheritance: Storage
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
ShouldSerializeStateCommon bool
ShouldSerializeStateDisabled bool
ShouldSerializeStateNormal bool
ShouldSerializeStatePressed bool
ShouldSerializeStateSelected bool
ShouldSerializeStateTracking bool

Public Methods

Method Description
KryptonPaletteGrid ( PaletteRedirect redirect, GridStyle gridStyle, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the KryptonPaletteGrid class.

PopulateFromBase ( KryptonPaletteCommon common, GridStyle gridStyle ) : void

Populate values from the base palette.

SetRedirector ( PaletteRedirect redirect ) : void

Update the redirector with new reference.

Private Methods

Method Description
ShouldSerializeStateCommon ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeStateDisabled ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeStateNormal ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeStatePressed ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeStateSelected ( ) : bool
ShouldSerializeStateTracking ( ) : bool

Method Details

KryptonPaletteGrid() public method

Initialize a new instance of the KryptonPaletteGrid class.
public KryptonPaletteGrid ( PaletteRedirect redirect, GridStyle gridStyle, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : System
redirect PaletteRedirect Redirector to inherit values from.
gridStyle GridStyle Grid style.
needPaint NeedPaintHandler Delegate for notifying paint requests.
return System

PopulateFromBase() public method

Populate values from the base palette.
public PopulateFromBase ( KryptonPaletteCommon common, GridStyle gridStyle ) : void
common KryptonPaletteCommon Reference to common settings.
gridStyle GridStyle Grid style to use for populating.
return void

SetRedirector() public method

Update the redirector with new reference.
public SetRedirector ( PaletteRedirect redirect ) : void
redirect PaletteRedirect Target redirector.
return void