C# Class ComponentFactory.Krypton.Ribbon.RecentDocController

Generate click events when the recent document is pressed.
Inheritance: ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.GlobalId, IMouseController, IKeyController, ISourceController, IContextMenuTarget
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
HighlightState void
NormalState void
PressMenuItem void

Public Methods

Method Description
ClearSubMenu ( ) : void

This target should remove any showing sub menu.

ClearTarget ( ) : void

This target should clear any active display.

DoesStackedClientMouseDownBecomeCurrent ( Point pt ) : bool

Should a mouse down at the provided point cause the currently stacked context menu to become current.

DoubleClick ( Point pt ) : void

Left mouse button double click.

GetActiveView ( ) : ViewBase

Gets the view element that should be used when this target is active.

GotFocus ( Control c ) : void

Source control has lost the focus.

KeyDown ( Control c, KeyEventArgs e ) : void

Key has been pressed down.

KeyPress ( Control c, KeyPressEventArgs e ) : void

Key has been pressed.

KeyUp ( Control c, KeyEventArgs e ) : bool

Key has been released.

LostFocus ( Control c ) : void

Source control has lost the focus.

MatchMnemonic ( char charCode ) : bool

Determine if the keys value matches the mnemonic setting for this target.

MnemonicActivate ( ) : void

Activate the item because of a mnemonic key press.

MouseDown ( Control c, Point pt, MouseButtons button ) : bool

Mouse button has been pressed in the view.

MouseEnter ( Control c ) : void

Mouse has entered the view.

MouseLeave ( Control c, ViewBase next ) : void

Mouse has left the view.

MouseMove ( Control c, Point pt ) : void

Mouse has moved inside the view.

MouseUp ( Control c, Point pt, MouseButtons button ) : void

Mouse button has been released in the view.

PerformNeedPaint ( bool layout ) : void

Fires the NeedPaint event.

RecentDocController ( ViewContextMenuManager viewManager, ViewDrawRibbonAppMenuRecentDec menuItem, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the RecentDocController class.

ShowSubMenu ( ) : void

This target should show any appropriate sub menu.

ShowTarget ( ) : void

This target should display as the active target.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnNeedPaint ( bool needLayout ) : void

Raises the NeedPaint event.

Private Methods

Method Description
HighlightState ( ) : void
NormalState ( ) : void
PressMenuItem ( ) : void

Method Details

ClearSubMenu() public method

This target should remove any showing sub menu.
public ClearSubMenu ( ) : void
return void

ClearTarget() public method

This target should clear any active display.
public ClearTarget ( ) : void
return void

DoesStackedClientMouseDownBecomeCurrent() public method

Should a mouse down at the provided point cause the currently stacked context menu to become current.
public DoesStackedClientMouseDownBecomeCurrent ( Point pt ) : bool
pt Point Client coordinates point.
return bool

DoubleClick() public method

Left mouse button double click.
public DoubleClick ( Point pt ) : void
pt Point Mouse position relative to control.
return void

GetActiveView() public method

Gets the view element that should be used when this target is active.
public GetActiveView ( ) : ViewBase
return ViewBase

GotFocus() public method

Source control has lost the focus.
public GotFocus ( Control c ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
return void

KeyDown() public method

Key has been pressed down.
public KeyDown ( Control c, KeyEventArgs e ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
e System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs A KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.
return void

KeyPress() public method

Key has been pressed.
public KeyPress ( Control c, KeyPressEventArgs e ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
e System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs A KeyPressEventArgs that contains the event data.
return void

KeyUp() public method

Key has been released.
public KeyUp ( Control c, KeyEventArgs e ) : bool
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
e System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs A KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.
return bool

LostFocus() public method

Source control has lost the focus.
public LostFocus ( Control c ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
return void

MatchMnemonic() public method

Determine if the keys value matches the mnemonic setting for this target.
public MatchMnemonic ( char charCode ) : bool
charCode char Key code to test against.
return bool

MnemonicActivate() public method

Activate the item because of a mnemonic key press.
public MnemonicActivate ( ) : void
return void

MouseDown() public method

Mouse button has been pressed in the view.
public MouseDown ( Control c, Point pt, MouseButtons button ) : bool
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
pt Point Mouse position relative to control.
button MouseButtons Mouse button pressed down.
return bool

MouseEnter() public method

Mouse has entered the view.
public MouseEnter ( Control c ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
return void

MouseLeave() public method

Mouse has left the view.
public MouseLeave ( Control c, ViewBase next ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
next ViewBase Reference to view that is next to have the mouse.
return void

MouseMove() public method

Mouse has moved inside the view.
public MouseMove ( Control c, Point pt ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
pt Point Mouse position relative to control.
return void

MouseUp() public method

Mouse button has been released in the view.
public MouseUp ( Control c, Point pt, MouseButtons button ) : void
c System.Windows.Forms.Control Reference to the source control instance.
pt Point Mouse position relative to control.
button MouseButtons Mouse button released.
return void

OnNeedPaint() protected method

Raises the NeedPaint event.
protected OnNeedPaint ( bool needLayout ) : void
needLayout bool Does the palette change require a layout.
return void

PerformNeedPaint() public method

Fires the NeedPaint event.
public PerformNeedPaint ( bool layout ) : void
layout bool Does a layout need to occur.
return void

RecentDocController() public method

Initialize a new instance of the RecentDocController class.
public RecentDocController ( ViewContextMenuManager viewManager, ViewDrawRibbonAppMenuRecentDec menuItem, NeedPaintHandler needPaint ) : System
viewManager ViewContextMenuManager Owning view manager instance.
menuItem ViewDrawRibbonAppMenuRecentDec Target menu item view element.
needPaint NeedPaintHandler Delegate for notifying paint requests.
return System

ShowSubMenu() public method

This target should show any appropriate sub menu.
public ShowSubMenu ( ) : void
return void

ShowTarget() public method

This target should display as the active target.
public ShowTarget ( ) : void
return void