C# Class CloudExamples.Services.EncodingService

A service that integrates with encoding.com API
Datei anzeigen Open project: jasonseney/cloudfiles-encoding-demo

Public Methods

Method Description
AddMedia ( string pullFile, string pushFile, string format, string extension ) : string

Adds a new media file to be encoded

EncodingService ( string userId, string userKey, string apiUrl ) : System

An instance of the encoding service

GetMediaList ( ) : string

Retrives a list of the all the media for this encoding account

GetStatus ( string id ) : string

Gets the status of a media object being encoded

Private Methods

Method Description
SendApiRequest ( System.Xml.Linq.XDocument doc ) : string

Generic helper function to send an xml document as an HTTP Post request

Method Details

AddMedia() public method

Adds a new media file to be encoded
public AddMedia ( string pullFile, string pushFile, string format, string extension ) : string
pullFile string The location of the file to get to encode
pushFile string The location to store the encoded file
format string Name of the format to encode in
extension string File extension to use when naming the encoded file
return string

EncodingService() public method

An instance of the encoding service
public EncodingService ( string userId, string userKey, string apiUrl ) : System
userId string User ID for this encoding account
userKey string User API key for this encoding account
apiUrl string The location of the encoding api
return System

GetMediaList() public method

Retrives a list of the all the media for this encoding account
public GetMediaList ( ) : string
return string

GetStatus() public method

Gets the status of a media object being encoded
public GetStatus ( string id ) : string
id string The id of the media to check
return string