C# Class Box2DX.Dynamics.ContactResult

Datei anzeigen Open project: danielpcox/Crisis-at-Swiss-Station Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ID Box2DX.Collision.ContactID
Normal Box2DX.Common.Vec2
NormalImpulse float
Position Box2DX.Common.Vec2
Shape1 Box2DX.Collision.Shape
Shape2 Box2DX.Collision.Shape
TangentImpulse float

Property Details

ID public_oe property

The contact id identifies the features in contact.
public ContactID,Box2DX.Collision ID
return Box2DX.Collision.ContactID

Normal public_oe property

Points from shape1 to shape2.
public Vec2,Box2DX.Common Normal
return Box2DX.Common.Vec2

NormalImpulse public_oe property

The normal impulse applied to body2.
public float NormalImpulse
return float

Position public_oe property

Position in world coordinates.
public Vec2,Box2DX.Common Position
return Box2DX.Common.Vec2

Shape1 public_oe property

The first shape.
public Shape,Box2DX.Collision Shape1
return Box2DX.Collision.Shape

Shape2 public_oe property

The second shape.
public Shape,Box2DX.Collision Shape2
return Box2DX.Collision.Shape

TangentImpulse public_oe property

The tangent impulse applied to body2.
public float TangentImpulse
return float