C# Class Bifrost.Validation.Rules.NotNull

Represents the ValueRule for requiring the value to not be null
Inheritance: ValueRule
Datei anzeigen Open project: dolittle/Bifrost

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ValueIsNull Bifrost.Rules.BrokenRuleReason

Public Methods

Method Description
Evaluate ( IRuleContext context, object instance ) : void
NotNull ( PropertyInfo property ) : System.Reflection

Initializes a new instance of the NotNull rule

Method Details

Evaluate() public method

public Evaluate ( IRuleContext context, object instance ) : void
context IRuleContext
instance object
return void

NotNull() public method

Initializes a new instance of the NotNull rule
public NotNull ( PropertyInfo property ) : System.Reflection
property System.Reflection.PropertyInfo Property the rule is for
return System.Reflection

Property Details

ValueIsNull public_oe static_oe property

When a value is null, this is the reason given
public static BrokenRuleReason,Bifrost.Rules ValueIsNull
return Bifrost.Rules.BrokenRuleReason