C# Class BKI_DichVuMatDat.NghiepVu.f350_quan_ly_vi_tri_cong_tac

Datei anzeigen Open project: assassinadal/BKIProject-DichVuMatDat Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
DisplayForQuyTrinhNhapMoiNhanVien ( int id_nhan_vien ) : void
DisplayForQuyTrinhNhapMoiNhanVien ( int id_nhan_vien, int &m_trang_thai_buoc_4 ) : void
display ( ) : void
f350_quan_ly_vi_tri_cong_tac ( ) : System
import_excel ( ) : void
import_excel ( bool &trang_thai_hien_tai ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Clean up any resources being used.

Private Methods

Method Description
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

check_data_is_ok ( ) : bool
cho_gd_ct_da_xoa_Y ( ) : void
clear_data_in_form ( ) : void
display_m_cmd_huy_kiem_nhiem_yn ( ) : void
f350_quan_ly_vi_tri_cong_tac_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
find_id_gd_ct ( decimal ip_dc_id_nv ) : decimal
find_id_gd_ma_tra_cuu_nhan_vien ( decimal ip_dc_id_nhan_vien ) : decimal
form_2_us_gd_cong_tac ( US_GD_CONG_TAC ip_us ) : void
format_controls ( ) : void
load_data_2_cm_dm_tu_dien ( int m_id_vt ) : DataSet
load_data_2_ds_v_dm_don_vi ( ) : DataSet
load_data_2_ds_v_dm_nv ( ) : DataSet
load_data_2_ds_v_gd_quyet_dinh ( ) : DataSet
load_data_2_grid ( ) : void
load_data_2_grid ( decimal ip_dc_id_nv ) : void
load_data_2_grid ( decimal ip_dc_id_nv, decimal ip_dc_id_loai_ct ) : void
load_data_2_m_variable ( ) : void
load_data_2_sle_chon_don_vi ( ) : void
load_data_2_sle_chon_loai_cong_tac ( ) : void
load_data_2_sle_chon_nv ( ) : void
load_data_2_sle_chon_quyet_dinh ( ) : void
load_data_2_sle_chon_vi_tri ( ) : void
loai_ctac_cthuc_isExist ( decimal ip_dc_id_nv, decimal ip_dc_id_loai_ct ) : bool
m_cmd_chon_file_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
m_cmd_huy_kiem_nhiem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
m_cmd_insert_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
m_cmd_update_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
m_sle_chon_loai_cong_tac_EditValueChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
m_sle_chon_nhan_vien_EditValueChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
save_data ( ) : void
set_define_events ( ) : void
set_initial_form_load ( ) : void

Method Details

DisplayForQuyTrinhNhapMoiNhanVien() public method

public DisplayForQuyTrinhNhapMoiNhanVien ( int id_nhan_vien ) : void
id_nhan_vien int
return void

DisplayForQuyTrinhNhapMoiNhanVien() public method

public DisplayForQuyTrinhNhapMoiNhanVien ( int id_nhan_vien, int &m_trang_thai_buoc_4 ) : void
id_nhan_vien int
m_trang_thai_buoc_4 int
return void

Dispose() protected method

Clean up any resources being used.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.
return void

display() public method

public display ( ) : void
return void

f350_quan_ly_vi_tri_cong_tac() public method

public f350_quan_ly_vi_tri_cong_tac ( ) : System
return System

import_excel() public method

public import_excel ( ) : void
return void

import_excel() public method

public import_excel ( bool &trang_thai_hien_tai ) : void
trang_thai_hien_tai bool
return void