C# Class Aspose.Words.Examples.CSharp.Programming_Documents.Working_with_Tables.ApplyFormatting

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Public Methods

Method Description
Run ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
ApplyOutlineBorder ( string dataDir ) : void

Shows how to apply outline border to a table.

ApplyRowFormatting ( string dataDir ) : void

Shows how to create a table that contains a single cell and apply row formatting.

BuildTableWithBordersEnabled ( string dataDir ) : void

Shows how to build a table with all borders enabled (grid).

FormatTableAndCellWithDifferentBorders ( string dataDir ) : void

Shows how to format table and cell with different borders and shadings.

ModifyCellFormatting ( string dataDir ) : void

Shows how to modify formatting of a table cell.

ModifyRowFormatting ( string dataDir ) : void

Shows how to modify formatting of a table row.

Method Details

Run() public static method

public static Run ( ) : void
return void