C# Class Artemis.Engine.Graphics.RenderOrder

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Public Methods

Method Description
AddRenderGroup ( string name, TraversalOptions options = TraversalOptions.Pre, bool skipDuplicates = true ) : void

Set the next render order action to render the group with the given name.

AddRenderItem ( string name, bool skipDuplicates = true ) : void

Set the next render order action to render the item with the given name.

AddSetRenderProperties ( SpriteBatchPropertiesPacket packet, bool ignoreDefaults = true, bool applyMatrix = false ) : void

Set the next render order action to set the render properties to the values in the given packet.

AddSetRenderProperties ( SpriteSortMode ssm = SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState bs = null, SamplerState ss = null, DepthStencilState dss = null, RasterizerState rs = null, Effect e = null, Matrix m = null, bool ignoreDefaults = true, bool applyMatrix = false ) : void

Set the next render order action to set the render properties to the given values.

RenderOrder ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
RenderOrder ( List actions ) : System.Collections.Generic
SetNextAction ( AbstractRenderOrderAction action ) : void

Set the next render order action to the given IRenderOrderAction.

Method Details

AddRenderGroup() public method

Set the next render order action to render the group with the given name.
public AddRenderGroup ( string name, TraversalOptions options = TraversalOptions.Pre, bool skipDuplicates = true ) : void
name string
options TraversalOptions
skipDuplicates bool
return void

AddRenderItem() public method

Set the next render order action to render the item with the given name.
public AddRenderItem ( string name, bool skipDuplicates = true ) : void
name string
skipDuplicates bool
return void

AddSetRenderProperties() public method

Set the next render order action to set the render properties to the values in the given packet.
public AddSetRenderProperties ( SpriteBatchPropertiesPacket packet, bool ignoreDefaults = true, bool applyMatrix = false ) : void
packet SpriteBatchPropertiesPacket
ignoreDefaults bool
applyMatrix bool
return void

AddSetRenderProperties() public method

Set the next render order action to set the render properties to the given values.
public AddSetRenderProperties ( SpriteSortMode ssm = SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState bs = null, SamplerState ss = null, DepthStencilState dss = null, RasterizerState rs = null, Effect e = null, Matrix m = null, bool ignoreDefaults = true, bool applyMatrix = false ) : void
ssm SpriteSortMode
bs Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.BlendState
ss Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SamplerState
dss Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DepthStencilState
rs Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RasterizerState
e Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Effect
m Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
ignoreDefaults bool
applyMatrix bool
return void

RenderOrder() public method

public RenderOrder ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
return System.Collections.Generic

RenderOrder() public method

public RenderOrder ( List actions ) : System.Collections.Generic
actions List
return System.Collections.Generic

SetNextAction() public method

Set the next render order action to the given IRenderOrderAction.
public SetNextAction ( AbstractRenderOrderAction action ) : void
action AbstractRenderOrderAction
return void