C# Class Amazon.Glacier.Model.JobParameters

Provides options for defining a job.

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Public Methods

Method Description
JobParameters ( ) : System

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available

JobParameters ( string format, string type, string archiveId, string description ) : System

Instantiates JobParameters with the parameterized properties

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetArchiveId ( ) : bool
IsSetDescription ( ) : bool
IsSetFormat ( ) : bool
IsSetInventoryRetrievalParameters ( ) : bool
IsSetRetrievalByteRange ( ) : bool
IsSetSNSTopic ( ) : bool
IsSetTier ( ) : bool
IsSetType ( ) : bool

Method Details

JobParameters() public method

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available
public JobParameters ( ) : System
return System

JobParameters() public method

Instantiates JobParameters with the parameterized properties
public JobParameters ( string format, string type, string archiveId, string description ) : System
format string When initiating a job to retrieve a vault inventory, you can optionally add this parameter to your request to specify the output format. If you are initiating an inventory job and do not specify a Format field, JSON is the default format. Valid values are "CSV" and "JSON".
type string The job type. You can initiate a job to retrieve an archive or get an inventory of a vault. Valid values are "archive-retrieval" and "inventory-retrieval".
archiveId string The ID of the archive that you want to retrieve. This field is required only if Type is set to archive-retrieval. An error occurs if you specify this request parameter for an inventory retrieval job request.
description string The optional description for the job. The description must be less than or equal to 1,024 bytes. The allowable characters are 7-bit ASCII without control codes-specifically, ASCII values 32-126 decimal or 0x20-0x7E hexadecimal.
return System