C# Class AcoustID.Chromaprint.CombinedBuffer

Combines two short (Int16) buffers.
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Public Methods

Method Description
CombinedBuffer ( short buffer1, int size1, short buffer2, int size2 ) : System
Flush ( short buffer ) : void

Read all remaining values from the buffer.

Read ( short buffer, int offset, int length ) : int

Read a number of values from the combined buffer.

Shift ( int shift ) : int

Shift the buffer offset.

this ( int i ) : short

Gets the element at given position.

Method Details

CombinedBuffer() public method

public CombinedBuffer ( short buffer1, int size1, short buffer2, int size2 ) : System
buffer1 short
size1 int
buffer2 short
size2 int
return System

Flush() public method

Read all remaining values from the buffer.
public Flush ( short buffer ) : void
buffer short Buffer to write into.
return void

Read() public method

Read a number of values from the combined buffer.
public Read ( short buffer, int offset, int length ) : int
buffer short Buffer to write into.
offset int Offset to start reading.
length int Number of values to read.
return int

Shift() public method

Shift the buffer offset.
public Shift ( int shift ) : int
shift int Places to shift.
return int

this() public method

Gets the element at given position.
public this ( int i ) : short
i int
return short