C# Class Accord.Audio.Formats.WaveDecoder

Wave audio file decoder.
Inheritance: IAudioDecoder
Datei anzeigen Open project: accord-net/framework Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Close ( ) : void

Closes the underlying stream.

Decode ( ) : Signal

Decodes the Wave stream into a Signal object.

Decode ( int frames ) : Signal

Decodes the Wave stream into a Signal object.

Decode ( int index, int frames ) : Signal

Decodes the Wave stream into a Signal object.

Open ( SharpDX.Multimedia.SoundStream stream ) : int

Opens the specified stream.

Open ( Stream stream ) : int

Open specified stream.

Open ( string path ) : int

Open specified stream.

Seek ( int frameIndex ) : void

Navigates to a position in this Wave stream.

WaveDecoder ( ) : System

Constructs a new Wave decoder.

WaveDecoder ( Stream stream ) : System

Constructs a new Wave decoder.

WaveDecoder ( string path ) : System

Constructs a new Wave decoder.

Private Methods

Method Description
read ( byte buffer, int count ) : int

Reads a maximum of count frames from the current stream, and writes the data to buffer, beginning at index.

read ( float buffer, int count ) : int

Reads a maximum of count samples from the current stream, and writes the data to buffer, beginning at index.

read ( int buffer, int count ) : int

Reads a maximum of count frames from the current stream, and writes the data to buffer, beginning at index.

read ( short buffer, int count ) : int

Reads a maximum of count frames from the current stream, and writes the data to buffer, beginning at index.

readAsFloat ( float buffer, int count ) : int

Method Details

Close() public method

Closes the underlying stream.
public Close ( ) : void
return void

Decode() public method

Decodes the Wave stream into a Signal object.
public Decode ( ) : Signal
return Accord.Audio.Signal

Decode() public method

Decodes the Wave stream into a Signal object.
public Decode ( int frames ) : Signal
frames int The number of frames to decode.
return Accord.Audio.Signal

Decode() public method

Decodes the Wave stream into a Signal object.
public Decode ( int index, int frames ) : Signal
index int Audio frame index to start decoding.
frames int The number of frames to decode.
return Accord.Audio.Signal

Open() public method

Opens the specified stream.
public Open ( SharpDX.Multimedia.SoundStream stream ) : int
stream SharpDX.Multimedia.SoundStream Stream to open.
return int

Open() public method

Open specified stream.
public Open ( Stream stream ) : int
stream Stream Stream to open.
return int

Open() public method

Open specified stream.
public Open ( string path ) : int
path string Path of file to open as stream.
return int

Seek() public method

Navigates to a position in this Wave stream.
public Seek ( int frameIndex ) : void
frameIndex int The index of the sample to navigate to.
return void

WaveDecoder() public method

Constructs a new Wave decoder.
public WaveDecoder ( ) : System
return System

WaveDecoder() public method

Constructs a new Wave decoder.
public WaveDecoder ( Stream stream ) : System
stream Stream
return System

WaveDecoder() public method

Constructs a new Wave decoder.
public WaveDecoder ( string path ) : System
path string
return System