C# Class AForge.Imaging.SusanCornersDetector

Susan corners detector.

The class implements Susan corners detector, which is described by S.M. Smith in: S.M. Smith, "SUSAN - a new approach to low level image processing", Internal Technical Report TR95SMS1, Defense Research Agency, Chobham Lane, Chertsey, Surrey, UK, 1995.

Some implementation notes: Analyzing each pixel and searching for its USAN area, the 7x7 mask is used, which is comprised of 37 pixels. The mask has circle shape: xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx In the case if USAN's center of mass has the same coordinates as nucleus (central point), the pixel is not a corner. For noise suppression the 5x5 square window is used.

The class processes only grayscale 8 bpp and color 24/32 bpp images. In the case of color image, it is converted to grayscale internally using GrayscaleBT709 filter.

Sample usage:

// create corners detector's instance SusanCornersDetector scd = new SusanCornersDetector( ); // process image searching for corners List<IntPoint> corners = scd.ProcessImage( image ); // process points foreach ( IntPoint corner in corners ) { // ... }
Inheritance: ICornersDetector
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Public Methods

Method Description
ProcessImage ( Bitmap image ) : List

Process image looking for corners.

ProcessImage ( BitmapData imageData ) : List

Process image looking for corners.

ProcessImage ( UnmanagedImage image ) : List

Process image looking for corners.

SusanCornersDetector ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SusanCornersDetector class.

SusanCornersDetector ( int differenceThreshold, int geometricalThreshold ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SusanCornersDetector class.

Method Details

ProcessImage() public method

Process image looking for corners.
The source image has incorrect pixel format.
public ProcessImage ( Bitmap image ) : List
image System.Drawing.Bitmap Source image to process.
return List

ProcessImage() public method

Process image looking for corners.
The source image has incorrect pixel format.
public ProcessImage ( BitmapData imageData ) : List
imageData System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData Source image data to process.
return List

ProcessImage() public method

Process image looking for corners.
The source image has incorrect pixel format.
public ProcessImage ( UnmanagedImage image ) : List
image UnmanagedImage Unmanaged source image to process.
return List

SusanCornersDetector() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SusanCornersDetector class.
public SusanCornersDetector ( ) : System
return System

SusanCornersDetector() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SusanCornersDetector class.
public SusanCornersDetector ( int differenceThreshold, int geometricalThreshold ) : System
differenceThreshold int Brightness difference threshold.
geometricalThreshold int Geometrical threshold.
return System