C# Class WhatsAppProtocol, whatsapp-desktop-client

Datei anzeigen Open project: sambulosenda/whatsapp-desktop-client Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Acc WhatsappAccount,
DEBUG bool
SYSEncoding Encoding
whatsNetwork WhatsNetwork,

Public Methods

Method Description
AddMessage ( ProtocolTreeNode, node ) : void
Connect ( ) : void
Disconnect ( ) : void
GetAccountInfo ( ) : AccountInfo,
GetAllMessages ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode[],
HasMessages ( ) : bool
Login ( ) : void
Message ( string to, string txt ) : void
MessageImage ( string msgid, string to, string url, string file, string size, string icon ) : void
PollMessages ( ) : void
Pong ( string msgid ) : void
RequestLastSeen ( string jid ) : void
WhatsAppProtocol ( WhatsappAccount, _Acc ) : System
sendNickname ( string nickname ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
DebugPrint ( string debugMsg ) : void
addAuth ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode,
addAuthResponse_v1_2 ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode,
addFeatures ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode,
processChallenge ( ProtocolTreeNode, node ) : void
processInboundData ( byte data ) : void
sendMessageReceived ( ProtocolTreeNode, msg ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
PrintInfo ( string p ) : void
md5 ( string pass ) : string

Method Details

AddMessage() public method

public AddMessage ( ProtocolTreeNode, node ) : void
node ProtocolTreeNode,
return void

Connect() public method

public Connect ( ) : void
return void

DebugPrint() protected method

protected DebugPrint ( string debugMsg ) : void
debugMsg string
return void

Disconnect() public method

public Disconnect ( ) : void
return void

GetAccountInfo() public method

public GetAccountInfo ( ) : AccountInfo,
return AccountInfo,

GetAllMessages() public method

public GetAllMessages ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode[],
return ProtocolTreeNode[],

HasMessages() public method

public HasMessages ( ) : bool
return bool

Login() public method

public Login ( ) : void
return void

Message() public method

public Message ( string to, string txt ) : void
to string
txt string
return void

MessageImage() public method

public MessageImage ( string msgid, string to, string url, string file, string size, string icon ) : void
msgid string
to string
url string
file string
size string
icon string
return void

PollMessages() public method

public PollMessages ( ) : void
return void

Pong() public method

public Pong ( string msgid ) : void
msgid string
return void

RequestLastSeen() public method

public RequestLastSeen ( string jid ) : void
jid string
return void

WhatsAppProtocol() public method

public WhatsAppProtocol ( WhatsappAccount, _Acc ) : System
_Acc WhatsappAccount,
return System

addAuth() protected method

protected addAuth ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode,
return ProtocolTreeNode,

addAuthResponse_v1_2() protected method

protected addAuthResponse_v1_2 ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode,
return ProtocolTreeNode,

addFeatures() protected method

protected addFeatures ( ) : ProtocolTreeNode,
return ProtocolTreeNode,

processChallenge() protected method

protected processChallenge ( ProtocolTreeNode, node ) : void
node ProtocolTreeNode,
return void

processInboundData() protected method

protected processInboundData ( byte data ) : void
data byte
return void

sendMessageReceived() protected method

protected sendMessageReceived ( ProtocolTreeNode, msg ) : void
msg ProtocolTreeNode,
return void

sendNickname() public method

public sendNickname ( string nickname ) : void
nickname string
return void

Property Details

Acc public_oe property

public WhatsappAccount, Acc
return WhatsappAccount,

DEBUG public_oe static_oe property

public static bool DEBUG
return bool

SYSEncoding public_oe static_oe property

public static Encoding SYSEncoding
return Encoding

whatsNetwork public_oe property

public WhatsNetwork, whatsNetwork
return WhatsNetwork,