C# Class WebRequests, tf_client

Datei anzeigen Open project: wids-eria/tf_client Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
urlServer string

Public Methods

Method Description
AddMegatileRegionToParameters ( Region, region, string>.Dictionary parameters ) : void

Adds the megatile region to parameters.

DownloadPlayerData ( Player, player ) : IEnumerator

Downloads the player data.

DownloadWorld ( ) : IEnumerator

Downloads the world.

GetMegatileURL ( int idMegatile ) : string
GetPlayerData ( AWebCoroutine, handler ) : IEnumerator
GetResourceTileURL ( int id ) : string
GetURLToResourceTile ( int id ) : string

Gets the URL to resource tile.

GetWorldList ( ) : IEnumerator
GetWorldList ( AWebCoroutine, handler ) : IEnumerator
JoinWorld ( int worldId, string playerClass ) : void
PostJoinWorld ( int worldId, string playerClass ) : IEnumerator
RefreshWorldData ( AWebCoroutine, handler ) : IEnumerator
urlDeletePlayer ( int worldId, int playerId ) : string
urlGetPlayerInWorld ( int worldId, int playerId ) : string
urlGetUserPlayerId ( int userId, int playerId ) : string
urlGetUserPlayers ( ) : string
urlGetUserPlayers ( int userId ) : string

Gets the URL for the player.

Method Details

AddMegatileRegionToParameters() public static method

Adds the megatile region to parameters.
public static AddMegatileRegionToParameters ( Region, region, string>.Dictionary parameters ) : void
region Region, /// Region. ///
parameters string>.Dictionary /// Parameters. ///
return void

DownloadPlayerData() public static method

Downloads the player data.
public static DownloadPlayerData ( Player, player ) : IEnumerator
player Player, /// Player. ///
return IEnumerator

DownloadWorld() public static method

Downloads the world.
public static DownloadWorld ( ) : IEnumerator
return IEnumerator

GetMegatileURL() public static method

public static GetMegatileURL ( int idMegatile ) : string
idMegatile int
return string

GetPlayerData() public static method

public static GetPlayerData ( AWebCoroutine, handler ) : IEnumerator
handler AWebCoroutine,
return IEnumerator

GetResourceTileURL() public static method

public static GetResourceTileURL ( int id ) : string
id int
return string

GetURLToResourceTile() public static method

Gets the URL to resource tile.
public static GetURLToResourceTile ( int id ) : string
id int /// Identifier. ///
return string

GetWorldList() public static method

public static GetWorldList ( ) : IEnumerator
return IEnumerator

GetWorldList() public static method

public static GetWorldList ( AWebCoroutine, handler ) : IEnumerator
handler AWebCoroutine,
return IEnumerator

JoinWorld() public static method

public static JoinWorld ( int worldId, string playerClass ) : void
worldId int
playerClass string
return void

PostJoinWorld() public static method

public static PostJoinWorld ( int worldId, string playerClass ) : IEnumerator
worldId int
playerClass string
return IEnumerator

RefreshWorldData() public static method

public static RefreshWorldData ( AWebCoroutine, handler ) : IEnumerator
handler AWebCoroutine,
return IEnumerator

urlDeletePlayer() public static method

public static urlDeletePlayer ( int worldId, int playerId ) : string
worldId int
playerId int
return string

urlGetPlayerInWorld() public static method

public static urlGetPlayerInWorld ( int worldId, int playerId ) : string
worldId int
playerId int
return string

urlGetUserPlayerId() public static method

public static urlGetUserPlayerId ( int userId, int playerId ) : string
userId int
playerId int
return string

urlGetUserPlayers() public static method

public static urlGetUserPlayers ( ) : string
return string

urlGetUserPlayers() public static method

Gets the URL for the player.
public static urlGetUserPlayers ( int userId ) : string
userId int
return string

Property Details

urlServer public_oe static_oe property

The URL server.
public static string urlServer
return string