C# Class TamPlayerScore, kaijurising

Inheritance: NetworkBehaviour
Datei anzeigen Open project: Moehammered/kaijurising Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
playerName Text
playerScoreBoard Text[]
scoreCanvas Canvas

Public Methods

Method Description
displayCanvas ( bool canvasStatus ) : void
getPlayerNumber ( ) : int
increaseTheScore ( int amount ) : void

Increases the score for the player the script is attached to.

increaseTheScore ( int amount, int targetPlayerNumber ) : void

Increases the score of the player associated with the provided ID.

Private Methods

Method Description
Cmd_increaseScore ( int amount ) : void
Start ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
initializeScoreBoard ( ) : void

Method Details

displayCanvas() public method

public displayCanvas ( bool canvasStatus ) : void
canvasStatus bool
return void

getPlayerNumber() public method

public getPlayerNumber ( ) : int
return int

increaseTheScore() public method

Increases the score for the player the script is attached to.
public increaseTheScore ( int amount ) : void
amount int Amount.
return void

increaseTheScore() public method

Increases the score of the player associated with the provided ID.
public increaseTheScore ( int amount, int targetPlayerNumber ) : void
amount int Amount.
targetPlayerNumber int
return void

Property Details

playerName public_oe property

public Text playerName
return Text

playerScoreBoard public_oe property

public Text[] playerScoreBoard
return Text[]

scoreCanvas public_oe property

public Canvas scoreCanvas
return Canvas