C# Class ScrollBase

Inheritance: LMWidgets.LeapPhysicsBase
Datei anzeigen Open project: leapmotion/ImageGrid

Public Properties

Property Type Description
ContainerBottomBound Transform
ContainerTopBound Transform
ContentBottomBound Transform
ContentTopBound Transform
ContentTransform Transform
Drag float
InteractionScale float
SnapSpringForce float

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
m_contentPivot Vector3
m_dampingForce float
m_velocity float

Protected Methods

Method Description
ApplyConstraints ( ) : void
ApplyInteractions ( ) : void
ApplyPhysics ( ) : void
ResetPivots ( ) : void
Start ( ) : void
applyDrag ( ) : void
applyOverrunSpringForces ( ) : void

Applies a spring force to velocity to return content to scroller bounds.

applyVelocity ( ) : void
calculate1DSpringForce ( float offsetVector ) : float
calculateOverrunMagnitude ( ) : float

Method Details

ApplyConstraints() protected method

protected ApplyConstraints ( ) : void
return void

ApplyInteractions() protected method

protected ApplyInteractions ( ) : void
return void

ApplyPhysics() protected method

protected ApplyPhysics ( ) : void
return void

ResetPivots() protected method

protected ResetPivots ( ) : void
return void

Start() protected method

protected Start ( ) : void
return void

applyDrag() protected method

protected applyDrag ( ) : void
return void

applyOverrunSpringForces() protected method

Applies a spring force to velocity to return content to scroller bounds.
protected applyOverrunSpringForces ( ) : void
return void

applyVelocity() protected method

protected applyVelocity ( ) : void
return void

calculate1DSpringForce() protected method

protected calculate1DSpringForce ( float offsetVector ) : float
offsetVector float
return float

calculateOverrunMagnitude() protected method

protected calculateOverrunMagnitude ( ) : float
return float

Property Details

ContainerBottomBound public_oe property

public Transform ContainerBottomBound
return Transform

ContainerTopBound public_oe property

public Transform ContainerTopBound
return Transform

ContentBottomBound public_oe property

public Transform ContentBottomBound
return Transform

ContentTopBound public_oe property

public Transform ContentTopBound
return Transform

ContentTransform public_oe property

public Transform ContentTransform
return Transform

Drag public_oe property

public float Drag
return float

InteractionScale public_oe property

public float InteractionScale
return float

SnapSpringForce public_oe property

public float SnapSpringForce
return float

m_contentPivot protected_oe property

protected Vector3 m_contentPivot
return Vector3

m_dampingForce protected_oe property

protected float m_dampingForce
return float

m_velocity protected_oe property

protected float m_velocity
return float