C# Class IShaderGenerator.LoadDispatchData, ComputeSharp

Datei anzeigen Open project: Sergio0694/ComputeSharp

Public Methods

Method Description
GetInfo ( ITypeSymbol structDeclarationSymbol, Type, shaderInterfaceType, int &resourceCount, int &root32BitConstantCount, ImmutableArray, &diagnostics ) : ImmutableArray

Explores a given type hierarchy and generates statements to load fields.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetCapturedFieldInfos ( ITypeSymbol currentTypeSymbol, ImmutableArray, fieldPath, StrongBox, resourceOffset, StrongBox, rawDataOffset ) : IEnumerable

Method Details

GetInfo() public static method

Explores a given type hierarchy and generates statements to load fields.
public static GetInfo ( ITypeSymbol structDeclarationSymbol, Type, shaderInterfaceType, int &resourceCount, int &root32BitConstantCount, ImmutableArray, &diagnostics ) : ImmutableArray
structDeclarationSymbol ITypeSymbol The current shader type being explored.
shaderInterfaceType Type, The type of shader interface urrently being processed.
resourceCount int The total number of captured resources in the shader.
root32BitConstantCount int The total number of needed 32 bit constants in the shader root signature.
diagnostics ImmutableArray, The resulting diagnostics from the processing operation.
return ImmutableArray