C# Class ActivityLog, FileZilla.NET

Support logging activity to files.
Datei anzeigen Open project: sancsoft/FileZilla.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ActivityLog ( ) : System

Construct an activity log object

LogActivity ( LogAction, action, string username, string target = "", string msg = "" ) : void

Generate a standard log entry line

LogAppend ( string logEntry ) : void

Append a line to the applicable log file

LogFilename ( DateTime ts ) : string

Generate the filename for the applicable log file

Method Details

ActivityLog() public method

Construct an activity log object
public ActivityLog ( ) : System
return System

LogActivity() public method

Generate a standard log entry line
public LogActivity ( LogAction, action, string username, string target = "", string msg = "" ) : void
action LogAction, action identifier
username string user
target string target informatio for action
msg string
return void

LogAppend() public method

Append a line to the applicable log file
public LogAppend ( string logEntry ) : void
logEntry string line to add to log
return void

LogFilename() public method

Generate the filename for the applicable log file
public LogFilename ( DateTime ts ) : string
ts DateTime timestamp for file generation
return string