C# Class mCleaner.Helpers.Controls.VirtualToggleButton

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
IsCheckedProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
IsThreeStateProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty
IsVirtualToggleButtonProperty System.Windows.DependencyProperty

Public Methods

Method Description
GetIsChecked ( DependencyObject d ) : Nullable

Gets the IsChecked property. This dependency property indicates whether the toggle button is checked.

GetIsThreeState ( DependencyObject d ) : bool

Gets the IsThreeState property. This dependency property indicates whether the control supports two or three states. IsChecked can be set to null as a third state when IsThreeState is true.

GetIsVirtualToggleButton ( DependencyObject d ) : bool

Gets the IsVirtualToggleButton property. This dependency property indicates whether the object to which the property is attached is treated as a VirtualToggleButton. If true, the object will respond to keyboard and mouse input the same way a ToggleButton would.

SetIsChecked ( DependencyObject d, Nullable value ) : void

Sets the IsChecked property. This dependency property indicates whether the toggle button is checked.

SetIsThreeState ( DependencyObject d, bool value ) : void

Sets the IsThreeState property. This dependency property indicates whether the control supports two or three states. IsChecked can be set to null as a third state when IsThreeState is true.

SetIsVirtualToggleButton ( DependencyObject d, bool value ) : void

Sets the IsVirtualToggleButton property. This dependency property indicates whether the object to which the property is attached is treated as a VirtualToggleButton. If true, the object will respond to keyboard and mouse input the same way a ToggleButton would.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnIsCheckedChanged ( DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles changes to the IsChecked property.

OnIsVirtualToggleButtonChanged ( DependencyObject d, System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Handles changes to the IsVirtualToggleButton property.

OnKeyDown ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e ) : void
OnMouseLeftButtonDown ( object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e ) : void
RaiseCheckedEvent ( UIElement target ) : RoutedEventArgs

A static helper method to raise the Checked event on a target element.

RaiseEvent ( DependencyObject target, RoutedEventArgs args ) : void
RaiseIndeterminateEvent ( UIElement target ) : RoutedEventArgs

A static helper method to raise the Indeterminate event on a target element.

RaiseUncheckedEvent ( UIElement target ) : RoutedEventArgs

A static helper method to raise the Unchecked event on a target element.

UpdateIsChecked ( DependencyObject d ) : void

Method Details

GetIsChecked() public static method

Gets the IsChecked property. This dependency property indicates whether the toggle button is checked.
public static GetIsChecked ( DependencyObject d ) : Nullable
d System.Windows.DependencyObject
return Nullable

GetIsThreeState() public static method

Gets the IsThreeState property. This dependency property indicates whether the control supports two or three states. IsChecked can be set to null as a third state when IsThreeState is true.
public static GetIsThreeState ( DependencyObject d ) : bool
d System.Windows.DependencyObject
return bool

GetIsVirtualToggleButton() public static method

Gets the IsVirtualToggleButton property. This dependency property indicates whether the object to which the property is attached is treated as a VirtualToggleButton. If true, the object will respond to keyboard and mouse input the same way a ToggleButton would.
public static GetIsVirtualToggleButton ( DependencyObject d ) : bool
d System.Windows.DependencyObject
return bool

SetIsChecked() public static method

Sets the IsChecked property. This dependency property indicates whether the toggle button is checked.
public static SetIsChecked ( DependencyObject d, Nullable value ) : void
d System.Windows.DependencyObject
value Nullable
return void

SetIsThreeState() public static method

Sets the IsThreeState property. This dependency property indicates whether the control supports two or three states. IsChecked can be set to null as a third state when IsThreeState is true.
public static SetIsThreeState ( DependencyObject d, bool value ) : void
d System.Windows.DependencyObject
value bool
return void

SetIsVirtualToggleButton() public static method

Sets the IsVirtualToggleButton property. This dependency property indicates whether the object to which the property is attached is treated as a VirtualToggleButton. If true, the object will respond to keyboard and mouse input the same way a ToggleButton would.
public static SetIsVirtualToggleButton ( DependencyObject d, bool value ) : void
d System.Windows.DependencyObject
value bool
return void

Property Details

IsCheckedProperty public static property

IsChecked Attached Dependency Property
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows IsCheckedProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

IsThreeStateProperty public static property

IsThreeState Attached Dependency Property
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows IsThreeStateProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty

IsVirtualToggleButtonProperty public static property

IsVirtualToggleButton Attached Dependency Property
public static DependencyProperty,System.Windows IsVirtualToggleButtonProperty
return System.Windows.DependencyProperty