C# Class YeloDebug.XboxKernel

Xbox kernel information.
Show file Open project: troymac1ure/Entity Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AvGetSavedDataAddress uint
AvSendTVEncoderOption uint
AvSetDisplayMode uint
AvSetSavedDataAddress uint
DbgBreakPoint uint
DbgBreakPointWithStatus uint
DbgLoadImageSymbols uint
DbgPrint uint
DbgPrompt uint
DbgUnLoadImageSymbols uint
ExAcquireReadWriteLockExclusive uint
ExAcquireReadWriteLockShared uint
ExAllocatePool uint
ExAllocatePoolWithTag uint
ExEventObjectType uint
ExFreePool uint
ExInitializeReadWriteLock uint
ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger uint
ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic uint
ExInterlockedCompareExchange64 uint
ExMutantObjectType uint
ExQueryNonVolatileSetting uint
ExQueryPoolBlockSize uint
ExRaiseException uint
ExRaiseStatus uint
ExReadWriteRefurbInfo uint
ExReleaseReadWriteLock uint
ExSaveNonVolatileSetting uint
ExSemaphoreObjectType uint
ExTimerObjectType uint
ExfInterlockedInsertHeadList uint
ExfInterlockedInsertTailList uint
ExfInterlockedRemoveHeadList uint
FscGetCacheSize uint
FscInvalidateIdleBlocks uint
FscSetCacheSize uint
HalBootSMCVideoMode uint
HalClearSoftwareInterrupt uint
HalDisableSystemInterrupt uint
HalDiskModelNumber uint
HalDiskSerialNumber uint
HalEnableSecureTrayEject uint
HalEnableSystemInterrupt uint
HalGetInterruptVector uint
HalInitiateShutdown uint
HalIsResetOrShutdownPending uint
HalReadSMBusValue uint
HalReadSMCTrayState uint
HalReadWritePCISpace uint
HalRegisterShutdownNotification uint
HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt uint
HalReturnToFirmware uint
HalWriteSMBusValue uint
HalWriteSMCScratchRegister uint
HardwareInfo uint
IdexChannelObject uint
IdexDiskPartitionPrefixBuffer uint
InterlockedCompareExchange uint
InterlockedDecrement uint
InterlockedExchange uint
InterlockedExchangeAdd uint
InterlockedFlushSList uint
InterlockedIncrement uint
InterlockedPopEntrySList uint
InterlockedPushEntrySList uint
IoAllocateIrp uint
IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest uint
IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest uint
IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest uint
IoCheckShareAccess uint
IoCompletionObjectType uint
IoCreateDevice uint
IoCreateFile uint
IoCreateSymbolicLink uint
IoDeleteDevice uint
IoDeleteSymbolicLink uint
IoDismountVolume uint
IoDismountVolumeByName uint
IoFileObjectType uint
IoFreeIrp uint
IoInitializeIrp uint
IoInvalidDeviceRequest uint
IoMarkIrpMustComplete uint
IoQueryFileInformation uint
IoQueryVolumeInformation uint
IoQueueThreadIrp uint
IoRemoveShareAccess uint
IoSetIoCompletion uint
IoSetShareAccess uint
IoStartNextPacket uint
IoStartNextPacketByKey uint
IoStartPacket uint
IoSynchronousDeviceIoControlRequest uint
IoSynchronousFsdRequest uint
IofCallDriver uint
IofCompleteRequest uint
KdDebuggerEnabled uint
KdDebuggerNotPresent uint
KeAlertResumeThread uint
KeAlertThread uint
KeBoostPriorityThread uint
KeBugCheck uint
KeBugCheckEx uint
KeCancelTimer uint
KeConnectInterrupt uint
KeDelayExecutionThread uint
KeDisconnectInterrupt uint
KeEnterCriticalRegion uint
KeGetCurrentIrql uint
KeGetCurrentThread uint
KeInitializeApc uint
KeInitializeDeviceQueue uint
KeInitializeDpc uint
KeInitializeEvent uint
KeInitializeInterrupt uint
KeInitializeMutant uint
KeInitializeQueue uint
KeInitializeSemaphore uint
KeInitializeTimerEx uint
KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue uint
KeInsertDeviceQueue uint
KeInsertHeadQueue uint
KeInsertQueue uint
KeInsertQueueApc uint
KeInsertQueueDpc uint
KeInterruptTime uint
KeIsExecutingDpc uint
KeLeaveCriticalRegion uint
KePulseEvent uint
KeQueryBasePriorityThread uint
KeQueryInterruptTime uint
KeQueryPerformanceCounter uint
KeQueryPerformanceFrequency uint
KeQuerySystemTime uint
KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel uint
KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel uint
KeReleaseMutant uint
KeReleaseSemaphore uint
KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue uint
KeRemoveDeviceQueue uint
KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue uint
KeRemoveQueue uint
KeRemoveQueueDpc uint
KeResetEvent uint
KeRestoreFloatingPointState uint
KeResumeThread uint
KeRundownQueue uint
KeSaveFloatingPointState uint
KeSetBasePriorityThread uint
KeSetDisableBoostThread uint
KeSetEvent uint
KeSetEventBoostPriority uint
KeSetPriorityProcess uint
KeSetPriorityThread uint
KeSetTimer uint
KeSetTimerEx uint
KeStallExecutionProcessor uint
KeSuspendThread uint
KeSynchronizeExecution uint
KeSystemTime uint
KeTestAlertThread uint
KeTickCount uint
KeTimeIncrement uint
KeWaitForMultipleObjects uint
KeWaitForSingleObject uint
KfLowerIrql uint
KfRaiseIrql uint
KiBugCheckData uint
KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase uint
LaunchDataPage uint
MmAllocateContiguousMemory uint
MmAllocateContiguousMemoryEx uint
MmAllocateSystemMemory uint
MmClaimGpuInstanceMemory uint
MmCreateKernelStack uint
MmDbgAllocateMemory uint
MmDbgFreeMemory uint
MmDbgQueryAvailablePages uint
MmDbgReleaseAddress uint
MmDbgWriteCheck uint
MmDeleteKernelStack uint
MmFreeContiguousMemory uint
MmFreeSystemMemory uint
MmGetPhysicalAddress uint
MmGlobalData uint
MmIsAddressValid uint
MmLockUnlockBufferPages uint
MmLockUnlockPhysicalPage uint
MmMapIoSpace uint
MmPersistContiguousMemory uint
MmQueryAddressProtect uint
MmQueryAllocationSize uint
MmQueryStatistics uint
MmSetAddressProtect uint
MmUnmapIoSpace uint
NtAllocateVirtualMemory uint
NtCancelTimer uint
NtClearEvent uint
NtClose uint
NtCreateDirectoryObject uint
NtCreateEvent uint
NtCreateFile uint
NtCreateIoCompletion uint
NtCreateMutant uint
NtCreateSemaphore uint
NtCreateTimer uint
NtDeleteFile uint
NtDeviceIoControlFile uint
NtDuplicateObject uint
NtFlushBuffersFile uint
NtFreeVirtualMemory uint
NtFsControlFile uint
NtOpenDirectoryObject uint
NtOpenFile uint
NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject uint
NtProtectVirtualMemory uint
NtPulseEvent uint
NtQueryDirectoryFile uint
NtQueryDirectoryObject uint
NtQueryEvent uint
NtQueryFullAttributesFile uint
NtQueryInformationFile uint
NtQueryIoCompletion uint
NtQueryMutant uint
NtQuerySemaphore uint
NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject uint
NtQueryTimer uint
NtQueryVirtualMemory uint
NtQueryVolumeInformationFile uint
NtQueueApcThread uint
NtReadFile uint
NtReadFileScatter uint
NtReleaseMutant uint
NtReleaseSemaphore uint
NtRemoveIoCompletion uint
NtResumeThread uint
NtSetEvent uint
NtSetInformationFile uint
NtSetIoCompletion uint
NtSetSystemTime uint
NtSetTimerEx uint
NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObjectEx uint
NtSuspendThread uint
NtUserIoApcDispatcher uint
NtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx uint
NtWaitForSingleObject uint
NtWaitForSingleObjectEx uint
NtWriteFile uint
NtWriteFileGather uint
NtYieldExecution uint
ObCreateObject uint
ObDirectoryObjectType uint
ObInsertObject uint
ObMakeTemporaryObject uint
ObOpenObjectByName uint
ObOpenObjectByPointer uint
ObReferenceObjectByHandle uint
ObReferenceObjectByName uint
ObReferenceObjectByPointer uint
ObSymbolicLinkObjectType uint
ObfDereferenceObject uint
ObfReferenceObject uint
ObpObjectHandleTable uint
PhyGetLinkState uint
PhyInitialize uint
PsCreateSystemThread uint
PsCreateSystemThreadEx uint
PsQueryStatistics uint
PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine uint
PsTerminateSystemThread uint
PsThreadObjectType uint
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString uint
RtlAppendStringToString uint
RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString uint
RtlAppendUnicodeToString uint
RtlAssert uint
RtlCaptureContext uint
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace uint
RtlCharToInteger uint
RtlCompareMemory uint
RtlCompareMemoryUlong uint
RtlCompareString uint
RtlCompareUnicodeString uint
RtlCopyString uint
RtlCopyUnicodeString uint
RtlCreateUnicodeString uint
RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar uint
RtlDowncaseUnicodeString uint
RtlEnterCriticalSection uint
RtlEnterCriticalSectionAndRegion uint
RtlEqualString uint
RtlEqualUnicodeString uint
RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply uint
RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide uint
RtlExtendedMagicDivide uint
RtlFillMemory uint
RtlFillMemoryUlong uint
RtlFreeAnsiString uint
RtlGetCallersAddress uint
RtlInitAnsiString uint
RtlInitUnicodeString uint
RtlInitializeCriticalSection uint
RtlIntegerToChar uint
RtlIntegerToUnicodeString uint
RtlLeaveCriticalSection uint
RtlLeaveCriticalSectionAndRegion uint
RtlLowerChar uint
RtlMapGenericMask uint
RtlMoveMemory uint
RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN uint
RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize uint
RtlNtStatusToDosError uint
RtlRaiseException uint
RtlRaiseStatus uint
RtlRip uint
RtlTimeFieldsToTime uint
RtlTimeToTimeFields uint
RtlTryEnterCriticalSection uint
RtlUlongByteSwap uint
RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString uint
RtlUnicodeStringToInteger uint
RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN uint
RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize uint
RtlUnwind uint
RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar uint
RtlUpcaseUnicodeString uint
RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN uint
RtlUpperChar uint
RtlUpperString uint
RtlUshortByteSwap uint
RtlWalkFrameChain uint
RtlZeroMemory uint
XboxAlternateSignatureKeys uint
XboxEEPROMKey uint
XboxHDKey uint
XboxKrnlVersion uint
XboxLANKey uint
XboxSignatureKey uint
XcBlockCrypt uint
XcBlockCryptCBC uint
XcCryptService uint
XcDESKeyParity uint
XcHMAC uint
XcKeyTable uint
XcModExp uint
XcPKDecPrivate uint
XcPKEncPublic uint
XcPKGetKeyLen uint
XcRC4Crypt uint
XcRC4Key uint
XcSHAFinal uint
XcSHAInit uint
XcSHAUpdate uint
XcUpdateCrypto uint
XcVerifyPKCS1Signature uint
XeImageFileName uint
XeLoadSection uint
XePublicKeyData uint
XeUnloadSection uint
snprintf uint
sprintf uint
vsnprintf uint
vsprintf uint

Public Methods

Method Description
SaveAsFile ( ) : void

Saves xbox kernel as local file on pc.

XboxKernel ( Xbox xbox ) : System

Contains everything needed to communicate with the Xbox kernel.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetExportAddress ( uint ordinal ) : uint
GetExportTable ( ) : uint[]

Retrieves kernel export table.

InitializeKernelExports ( ) : void

Initializes kernel exports with actual addresses.

Method Details

SaveAsFile() public method

Saves xbox kernel as local file on pc.
public SaveAsFile ( ) : void
return void

XboxKernel() public method

Contains everything needed to communicate with the Xbox kernel.
public XboxKernel ( Xbox xbox ) : System
xbox Xbox Connection to use.
return System

Property Details

AvGetSavedDataAddress public property

public uint AvGetSavedDataAddress
return uint

AvSendTVEncoderOption public property

public uint AvSendTVEncoderOption
return uint

AvSetDisplayMode public property

public uint AvSetDisplayMode
return uint

AvSetSavedDataAddress public property

public uint AvSetSavedDataAddress
return uint

DbgBreakPoint public property

public uint DbgBreakPoint
return uint

DbgBreakPointWithStatus public property

public uint DbgBreakPointWithStatus
return uint

DbgLoadImageSymbols public property

public uint DbgLoadImageSymbols
return uint

DbgPrint public property

public uint DbgPrint
return uint

DbgPrompt public property

public uint DbgPrompt
return uint

DbgUnLoadImageSymbols public property

public uint DbgUnLoadImageSymbols
return uint

ExAcquireReadWriteLockExclusive public property

public uint ExAcquireReadWriteLockExclusive
return uint

ExAcquireReadWriteLockShared public property

public uint ExAcquireReadWriteLockShared
return uint

ExAllocatePool public property

public uint ExAllocatePool
return uint

ExAllocatePoolWithTag public property

public uint ExAllocatePoolWithTag
return uint

ExEventObjectType public property

public uint ExEventObjectType
return uint

ExFreePool public property

public uint ExFreePool
return uint

ExInitializeReadWriteLock public property

public uint ExInitializeReadWriteLock
return uint

ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger public property

public uint ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger
return uint

ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic public property

public uint ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic
return uint

ExInterlockedCompareExchange64 public property

public uint ExInterlockedCompareExchange64
return uint

ExMutantObjectType public property

public uint ExMutantObjectType
return uint

ExQueryNonVolatileSetting public property

public uint ExQueryNonVolatileSetting
return uint

ExQueryPoolBlockSize public property

public uint ExQueryPoolBlockSize
return uint

ExRaiseException public property

public uint ExRaiseException
return uint

ExRaiseStatus public property

public uint ExRaiseStatus
return uint

ExReadWriteRefurbInfo public property

public uint ExReadWriteRefurbInfo
return uint

ExReleaseReadWriteLock public property

public uint ExReleaseReadWriteLock
return uint

ExSaveNonVolatileSetting public property

public uint ExSaveNonVolatileSetting
return uint

ExSemaphoreObjectType public property

public uint ExSemaphoreObjectType
return uint

ExTimerObjectType public property

public uint ExTimerObjectType
return uint

ExfInterlockedInsertHeadList public property

public uint ExfInterlockedInsertHeadList
return uint

ExfInterlockedInsertTailList public property

public uint ExfInterlockedInsertTailList
return uint

ExfInterlockedRemoveHeadList public property

public uint ExfInterlockedRemoveHeadList
return uint

FscGetCacheSize public property

public uint FscGetCacheSize
return uint

FscInvalidateIdleBlocks public property

public uint FscInvalidateIdleBlocks
return uint

FscSetCacheSize public property

public uint FscSetCacheSize
return uint

HalBootSMCVideoMode public property

public uint HalBootSMCVideoMode
return uint

HalClearSoftwareInterrupt public property

public uint HalClearSoftwareInterrupt
return uint

HalDisableSystemInterrupt public property

public uint HalDisableSystemInterrupt
return uint

HalDiskModelNumber public property

public uint HalDiskModelNumber
return uint

HalDiskSerialNumber public property

public uint HalDiskSerialNumber
return uint

HalEnableSecureTrayEject public property

public uint HalEnableSecureTrayEject
return uint

HalEnableSystemInterrupt public property

public uint HalEnableSystemInterrupt
return uint

HalGetInterruptVector public property

public uint HalGetInterruptVector
return uint

HalInitiateShutdown public property

public uint HalInitiateShutdown
return uint

HalIsResetOrShutdownPending public property

public uint HalIsResetOrShutdownPending
return uint

HalReadSMBusValue public property

public uint HalReadSMBusValue
return uint

HalReadSMCTrayState public property

public uint HalReadSMCTrayState
return uint

HalReadWritePCISpace public property

public uint HalReadWritePCISpace
return uint

HalRegisterShutdownNotification public property

public uint HalRegisterShutdownNotification
return uint

HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt public property

public uint HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt
return uint

HalReturnToFirmware public property

public uint HalReturnToFirmware
return uint

HalWriteSMBusValue public property

public uint HalWriteSMBusValue
return uint

HalWriteSMCScratchRegister public property

public uint HalWriteSMCScratchRegister
return uint

HardwareInfo public property

public uint HardwareInfo
return uint

IdexChannelObject public property

public uint IdexChannelObject
return uint

IdexDiskPartitionPrefixBuffer public property

public uint IdexDiskPartitionPrefixBuffer
return uint

InterlockedCompareExchange public property

public uint InterlockedCompareExchange
return uint

InterlockedDecrement public property

public uint InterlockedDecrement
return uint

InterlockedExchange public property

public uint InterlockedExchange
return uint

InterlockedExchangeAdd public property

public uint InterlockedExchangeAdd
return uint

InterlockedFlushSList public property

public uint InterlockedFlushSList
return uint

InterlockedIncrement public property

public uint InterlockedIncrement
return uint

InterlockedPopEntrySList public property

public uint InterlockedPopEntrySList
return uint

InterlockedPushEntrySList public property

public uint InterlockedPushEntrySList
return uint

IoAllocateIrp public property

public uint IoAllocateIrp
return uint

IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest public property

public uint IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest
return uint

IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest public property

public uint IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest
return uint

IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest public property

public uint IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest
return uint

IoCheckShareAccess public property

public uint IoCheckShareAccess
return uint

IoCompletionObjectType public property

public uint IoCompletionObjectType
return uint

IoCreateDevice public property

public uint IoCreateDevice
return uint

IoCreateFile public property

public uint IoCreateFile
return uint

IoCreateSymbolicLink public property

public uint IoCreateSymbolicLink
return uint

IoDeleteDevice public property

public uint IoDeleteDevice
return uint

IoDeleteSymbolicLink public property

public uint IoDeleteSymbolicLink
return uint

IoDismountVolume public property

public uint IoDismountVolume
return uint

IoDismountVolumeByName public property

public uint IoDismountVolumeByName
return uint

IoFileObjectType public property

public uint IoFileObjectType
return uint

IoFreeIrp public property

public uint IoFreeIrp
return uint

IoInitializeIrp public property

public uint IoInitializeIrp
return uint

IoInvalidDeviceRequest public property

public uint IoInvalidDeviceRequest
return uint

IoMarkIrpMustComplete public property

public uint IoMarkIrpMustComplete
return uint

IoQueryFileInformation public property

public uint IoQueryFileInformation
return uint

IoQueryVolumeInformation public property

public uint IoQueryVolumeInformation
return uint

IoQueueThreadIrp public property

public uint IoQueueThreadIrp
return uint

IoRemoveShareAccess public property

public uint IoRemoveShareAccess
return uint

IoSetIoCompletion public property

public uint IoSetIoCompletion
return uint

IoSetShareAccess public property

public uint IoSetShareAccess
return uint

IoStartNextPacket public property

public uint IoStartNextPacket
return uint

IoStartNextPacketByKey public property

public uint IoStartNextPacketByKey
return uint

IoStartPacket public property

public uint IoStartPacket
return uint

IoSynchronousDeviceIoControlRequest public property

public uint IoSynchronousDeviceIoControlRequest
return uint

IoSynchronousFsdRequest public property

public uint IoSynchronousFsdRequest
return uint

IofCallDriver public property

public uint IofCallDriver
return uint

IofCompleteRequest public property

public uint IofCompleteRequest
return uint

KdDebuggerEnabled public property

public uint KdDebuggerEnabled
return uint

KdDebuggerNotPresent public property

public uint KdDebuggerNotPresent
return uint

KeAlertResumeThread public property

public uint KeAlertResumeThread
return uint

KeAlertThread public property

public uint KeAlertThread
return uint

KeBoostPriorityThread public property

public uint KeBoostPriorityThread
return uint

KeBugCheck public property

public uint KeBugCheck
return uint

KeBugCheckEx public property

public uint KeBugCheckEx
return uint

KeCancelTimer public property

public uint KeCancelTimer
return uint

KeConnectInterrupt public property

public uint KeConnectInterrupt
return uint

KeDelayExecutionThread public property

public uint KeDelayExecutionThread
return uint

KeDisconnectInterrupt public property

public uint KeDisconnectInterrupt
return uint

KeEnterCriticalRegion public property

public uint KeEnterCriticalRegion
return uint

KeGetCurrentIrql public property

public uint KeGetCurrentIrql
return uint

KeGetCurrentThread public property

public uint KeGetCurrentThread
return uint

KeInitializeApc public property

public uint KeInitializeApc
return uint

KeInitializeDeviceQueue public property

public uint KeInitializeDeviceQueue
return uint

KeInitializeDpc public property

public uint KeInitializeDpc
return uint

KeInitializeEvent public property

public uint KeInitializeEvent
return uint

KeInitializeInterrupt public property

public uint KeInitializeInterrupt
return uint

KeInitializeMutant public property

public uint KeInitializeMutant
return uint

KeInitializeQueue public property

public uint KeInitializeQueue
return uint

KeInitializeSemaphore public property

public uint KeInitializeSemaphore
return uint

KeInitializeTimerEx public property

public uint KeInitializeTimerEx
return uint

KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue public property

public uint KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue
return uint

KeInsertDeviceQueue public property

public uint KeInsertDeviceQueue
return uint

KeInsertHeadQueue public property

public uint KeInsertHeadQueue
return uint

KeInsertQueue public property

public uint KeInsertQueue
return uint

KeInsertQueueApc public property

public uint KeInsertQueueApc
return uint

KeInsertQueueDpc public property

public uint KeInsertQueueDpc
return uint

KeInterruptTime public property

public uint KeInterruptTime
return uint

KeIsExecutingDpc public property

public uint KeIsExecutingDpc
return uint

KeLeaveCriticalRegion public property

public uint KeLeaveCriticalRegion
return uint

KePulseEvent public property

public uint KePulseEvent
return uint

KeQueryBasePriorityThread public property

public uint KeQueryBasePriorityThread
return uint

KeQueryInterruptTime public property

public uint KeQueryInterruptTime
return uint

KeQueryPerformanceCounter public property

public uint KeQueryPerformanceCounter
return uint

KeQueryPerformanceFrequency public property

public uint KeQueryPerformanceFrequency
return uint

KeQuerySystemTime public property

public uint KeQuerySystemTime
return uint

KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel public property

public uint KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel
return uint

KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel public property

public uint KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel
return uint

KeReleaseMutant public property

public uint KeReleaseMutant
return uint

KeReleaseSemaphore public property

public uint KeReleaseSemaphore
return uint

KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue public property

public uint KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue
return uint

KeRemoveDeviceQueue public property

public uint KeRemoveDeviceQueue
return uint

KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue public property

public uint KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue
return uint

KeRemoveQueue public property

public uint KeRemoveQueue
return uint

KeRemoveQueueDpc public property

public uint KeRemoveQueueDpc
return uint

KeResetEvent public property

public uint KeResetEvent
return uint

KeRestoreFloatingPointState public property

public uint KeRestoreFloatingPointState
return uint

KeResumeThread public property

public uint KeResumeThread
return uint

KeRundownQueue public property

public uint KeRundownQueue
return uint

KeSaveFloatingPointState public property

public uint KeSaveFloatingPointState
return uint

KeSetBasePriorityThread public property

public uint KeSetBasePriorityThread
return uint

KeSetDisableBoostThread public property

public uint KeSetDisableBoostThread
return uint

KeSetEvent public property

public uint KeSetEvent
return uint

KeSetEventBoostPriority public property

public uint KeSetEventBoostPriority
return uint

KeSetPriorityProcess public property

public uint KeSetPriorityProcess
return uint

KeSetPriorityThread public property

public uint KeSetPriorityThread
return uint

KeSetTimer public property

public uint KeSetTimer
return uint

KeSetTimerEx public property

public uint KeSetTimerEx
return uint

KeStallExecutionProcessor public property

public uint KeStallExecutionProcessor
return uint

KeSuspendThread public property

public uint KeSuspendThread
return uint

KeSynchronizeExecution public property

public uint KeSynchronizeExecution
return uint

KeSystemTime public property

public uint KeSystemTime
return uint

KeTestAlertThread public property

public uint KeTestAlertThread
return uint

KeTickCount public property

public uint KeTickCount
return uint

KeTimeIncrement public property

public uint KeTimeIncrement
return uint

KeWaitForMultipleObjects public property

public uint KeWaitForMultipleObjects
return uint

KeWaitForSingleObject public property

public uint KeWaitForSingleObject
return uint

KfLowerIrql public property

public uint KfLowerIrql
return uint

KfRaiseIrql public property

public uint KfRaiseIrql
return uint

KiBugCheckData public property

public uint KiBugCheckData
return uint

KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase public property

public uint KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase
return uint

LaunchDataPage public property

public uint LaunchDataPage
return uint

MmAllocateContiguousMemory public property

public uint MmAllocateContiguousMemory
return uint

MmAllocateContiguousMemoryEx public property

public uint MmAllocateContiguousMemoryEx
return uint

MmAllocateSystemMemory public property

public uint MmAllocateSystemMemory
return uint

MmClaimGpuInstanceMemory public property

public uint MmClaimGpuInstanceMemory
return uint

MmCreateKernelStack public property

public uint MmCreateKernelStack
return uint

MmDbgAllocateMemory public property

public uint MmDbgAllocateMemory
return uint

MmDbgFreeMemory public property

Returns number of pages released.
public uint MmDbgFreeMemory
return uint

MmDbgQueryAvailablePages public property

public uint MmDbgQueryAvailablePages
return uint

MmDbgReleaseAddress public property

public uint MmDbgReleaseAddress
return uint

MmDbgWriteCheck public property

public uint MmDbgWriteCheck
return uint

MmDeleteKernelStack public property

public uint MmDeleteKernelStack
return uint

MmFreeContiguousMemory public property

public uint MmFreeContiguousMemory
return uint

MmFreeSystemMemory public property

public uint MmFreeSystemMemory
return uint

MmGetPhysicalAddress public property

public uint MmGetPhysicalAddress
return uint

MmGlobalData public property

public uint MmGlobalData
return uint

MmIsAddressValid public property

public uint MmIsAddressValid
return uint

MmLockUnlockBufferPages public property

public uint MmLockUnlockBufferPages
return uint

MmLockUnlockPhysicalPage public property

public uint MmLockUnlockPhysicalPage
return uint

MmMapIoSpace public property

public uint MmMapIoSpace
return uint

MmPersistContiguousMemory public property

public uint MmPersistContiguousMemory
return uint

MmQueryAddressProtect public property

public uint MmQueryAddressProtect
return uint

MmQueryAllocationSize public property

public uint MmQueryAllocationSize
return uint

MmQueryStatistics public property

public uint MmQueryStatistics
return uint

MmSetAddressProtect public property

public uint MmSetAddressProtect
return uint

MmUnmapIoSpace public property

public uint MmUnmapIoSpace
return uint

NtAllocateVirtualMemory public property

public uint NtAllocateVirtualMemory
return uint

NtCancelTimer public property

public uint NtCancelTimer
return uint

NtClearEvent public property

public uint NtClearEvent
return uint

NtClose public property

public uint NtClose
return uint

NtCreateDirectoryObject public property

public uint NtCreateDirectoryObject
return uint

NtCreateEvent public property

public uint NtCreateEvent
return uint

NtCreateFile public property

public uint NtCreateFile
return uint

NtCreateIoCompletion public property

public uint NtCreateIoCompletion
return uint

NtCreateMutant public property

public uint NtCreateMutant
return uint

NtCreateSemaphore public property

public uint NtCreateSemaphore
return uint

NtCreateTimer public property

public uint NtCreateTimer
return uint

NtDeleteFile public property

public uint NtDeleteFile
return uint

NtDeviceIoControlFile public property

public uint NtDeviceIoControlFile
return uint

NtDuplicateObject public property

public uint NtDuplicateObject
return uint

NtFlushBuffersFile public property

public uint NtFlushBuffersFile
return uint

NtFreeVirtualMemory public property

public uint NtFreeVirtualMemory
return uint

NtFsControlFile public property

public uint NtFsControlFile
return uint

NtOpenDirectoryObject public property

public uint NtOpenDirectoryObject
return uint

NtOpenFile public property

public uint NtOpenFile
return uint

NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject public property

public uint NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject
return uint

NtProtectVirtualMemory public property

public uint NtProtectVirtualMemory
return uint

NtPulseEvent public property

public uint NtPulseEvent
return uint

NtQueryDirectoryFile public property

public uint NtQueryDirectoryFile
return uint

NtQueryDirectoryObject public property

public uint NtQueryDirectoryObject
return uint

NtQueryEvent public property

public uint NtQueryEvent
return uint

NtQueryFullAttributesFile public property

public uint NtQueryFullAttributesFile
return uint

NtQueryInformationFile public property

public uint NtQueryInformationFile
return uint

NtQueryIoCompletion public property

public uint NtQueryIoCompletion
return uint

NtQueryMutant public property

public uint NtQueryMutant
return uint

NtQuerySemaphore public property

public uint NtQuerySemaphore
return uint

NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject public property

public uint NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject
return uint

NtQueryTimer public property

public uint NtQueryTimer
return uint

NtQueryVirtualMemory public property

public uint NtQueryVirtualMemory
return uint

NtQueryVolumeInformationFile public property

public uint NtQueryVolumeInformationFile
return uint

NtQueueApcThread public property

public uint NtQueueApcThread
return uint

NtReadFile public property

public uint NtReadFile
return uint

NtReadFileScatter public property

public uint NtReadFileScatter
return uint

NtReleaseMutant public property

public uint NtReleaseMutant
return uint

NtReleaseSemaphore public property

public uint NtReleaseSemaphore
return uint

NtRemoveIoCompletion public property

public uint NtRemoveIoCompletion
return uint

NtResumeThread public property

public uint NtResumeThread
return uint

NtSetEvent public property

public uint NtSetEvent
return uint

NtSetInformationFile public property

public uint NtSetInformationFile
return uint

NtSetIoCompletion public property

public uint NtSetIoCompletion
return uint

NtSetSystemTime public property

public uint NtSetSystemTime
return uint

NtSetTimerEx public property

public uint NtSetTimerEx
return uint

NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObjectEx public property

public uint NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObjectEx
return uint

NtSuspendThread public property

public uint NtSuspendThread
return uint

NtUserIoApcDispatcher public property

public uint NtUserIoApcDispatcher
return uint

NtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx public property

public uint NtWaitForMultipleObjectsEx
return uint

NtWaitForSingleObject public property

public uint NtWaitForSingleObject
return uint

NtWaitForSingleObjectEx public property

public uint NtWaitForSingleObjectEx
return uint

NtWriteFile public property

public uint NtWriteFile
return uint

NtWriteFileGather public property

public uint NtWriteFileGather
return uint

NtYieldExecution public property

public uint NtYieldExecution
return uint

ObCreateObject public property

public uint ObCreateObject
return uint

ObDirectoryObjectType public property

public uint ObDirectoryObjectType
return uint

ObInsertObject public property

public uint ObInsertObject
return uint

ObMakeTemporaryObject public property

public uint ObMakeTemporaryObject
return uint

ObOpenObjectByName public property

public uint ObOpenObjectByName
return uint

ObOpenObjectByPointer public property

public uint ObOpenObjectByPointer
return uint

ObReferenceObjectByHandle public property

public uint ObReferenceObjectByHandle
return uint

ObReferenceObjectByName public property

public uint ObReferenceObjectByName
return uint

ObReferenceObjectByPointer public property

public uint ObReferenceObjectByPointer
return uint

ObSymbolicLinkObjectType public property

public uint ObSymbolicLinkObjectType
return uint

ObfDereferenceObject public property

public uint ObfDereferenceObject
return uint

ObfReferenceObject public property

public uint ObfReferenceObject
return uint

ObpObjectHandleTable public property

public uint ObpObjectHandleTable
return uint

PhyGetLinkState public property

public uint PhyGetLinkState
return uint

PhyInitialize public property

public uint PhyInitialize
return uint

PsCreateSystemThread public property

public uint PsCreateSystemThread
return uint

PsCreateSystemThreadEx public property

public uint PsCreateSystemThreadEx
return uint

PsQueryStatistics public property

public uint PsQueryStatistics
return uint

PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine public property

public uint PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine
return uint

PsTerminateSystemThread public property

public uint PsTerminateSystemThread
return uint

PsThreadObjectType public property

public uint PsThreadObjectType
return uint

READ_PORT_BUFFER_UCHAR public property

return uint

READ_PORT_BUFFER_ULONG public property

return uint


return uint

RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString
return uint

RtlAppendStringToString public property

public uint RtlAppendStringToString
return uint

RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString public property

public uint RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString
return uint

RtlAppendUnicodeToString public property

public uint RtlAppendUnicodeToString
return uint

RtlAssert public property

public uint RtlAssert
return uint

RtlCaptureContext public property

public uint RtlCaptureContext
return uint

RtlCaptureStackBackTrace public property

public uint RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
return uint

RtlCharToInteger public property

public uint RtlCharToInteger
return uint

RtlCompareMemory public property

public uint RtlCompareMemory
return uint

RtlCompareMemoryUlong public property

public uint RtlCompareMemoryUlong
return uint

RtlCompareString public property

public uint RtlCompareString
return uint

RtlCompareUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlCompareUnicodeString
return uint

RtlCopyString public property

public uint RtlCopyString
return uint

RtlCopyUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlCopyUnicodeString
return uint

RtlCreateUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlCreateUnicodeString
return uint

RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar public property

public uint RtlDowncaseUnicodeChar
return uint

RtlDowncaseUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlDowncaseUnicodeString
return uint

RtlEnterCriticalSection public property

public uint RtlEnterCriticalSection
return uint

RtlEnterCriticalSectionAndRegion public property

public uint RtlEnterCriticalSectionAndRegion
return uint

RtlEqualString public property

public uint RtlEqualString
return uint

RtlEqualUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlEqualUnicodeString
return uint

RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply public property

public uint RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply
return uint

RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide public property

public uint RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide
return uint

RtlExtendedMagicDivide public property

public uint RtlExtendedMagicDivide
return uint

RtlFillMemory public property

public uint RtlFillMemory
return uint

RtlFillMemoryUlong public property

public uint RtlFillMemoryUlong
return uint

RtlFreeAnsiString public property

public uint RtlFreeAnsiString
return uint

RtlGetCallersAddress public property

public uint RtlGetCallersAddress
return uint

RtlInitAnsiString public property

public uint RtlInitAnsiString
return uint

RtlInitUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlInitUnicodeString
return uint

RtlInitializeCriticalSection public property

public uint RtlInitializeCriticalSection
return uint

RtlIntegerToChar public property

public uint RtlIntegerToChar
return uint

RtlIntegerToUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlIntegerToUnicodeString
return uint

RtlLeaveCriticalSection public property

public uint RtlLeaveCriticalSection
return uint

RtlLeaveCriticalSectionAndRegion public property

public uint RtlLeaveCriticalSectionAndRegion
return uint

RtlLowerChar public property

public uint RtlLowerChar
return uint

RtlMapGenericMask public property

public uint RtlMapGenericMask
return uint

RtlMoveMemory public property

public uint RtlMoveMemory
return uint

RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN public property

public uint RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN
return uint

RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize public property

public uint RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize
return uint

RtlNtStatusToDosError public property

public uint RtlNtStatusToDosError
return uint

RtlRaiseException public property

public uint RtlRaiseException
return uint

RtlRaiseStatus public property

public uint RtlRaiseStatus
return uint

RtlRip public property

public uint RtlRip
return uint

RtlTimeFieldsToTime public property

public uint RtlTimeFieldsToTime
return uint

RtlTimeToTimeFields public property

public uint RtlTimeToTimeFields
return uint

RtlTryEnterCriticalSection public property

public uint RtlTryEnterCriticalSection
return uint

RtlUlongByteSwap public property

public uint RtlUlongByteSwap
return uint

RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString public property

public uint RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
return uint

RtlUnicodeStringToInteger public property

public uint RtlUnicodeStringToInteger
return uint

RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN public property

public uint RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN
return uint

RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize public property

public uint RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize
return uint

RtlUnwind public property

public uint RtlUnwind
return uint

RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar public property

public uint RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar
return uint

RtlUpcaseUnicodeString public property

public uint RtlUpcaseUnicodeString
return uint

RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN public property

public uint RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN
return uint

RtlUpperChar public property

public uint RtlUpperChar
return uint

RtlUpperString public property

public uint RtlUpperString
return uint

RtlUshortByteSwap public property

public uint RtlUshortByteSwap
return uint

RtlWalkFrameChain public property

public uint RtlWalkFrameChain
return uint

RtlZeroMemory public property

public uint RtlZeroMemory
return uint


return uint


return uint


return uint

XboxAlternateSignatureKeys public property

public uint XboxAlternateSignatureKeys
return uint

XboxEEPROMKey public property

public uint XboxEEPROMKey
return uint

XboxHDKey public property

public uint XboxHDKey
return uint

XboxKrnlVersion public property

public uint XboxKrnlVersion
return uint

XboxLANKey public property

public uint XboxLANKey
return uint

XboxSignatureKey public property

public uint XboxSignatureKey
return uint

XcBlockCrypt public property

public uint XcBlockCrypt
return uint

XcBlockCryptCBC public property

public uint XcBlockCryptCBC
return uint

XcCryptService public property

public uint XcCryptService
return uint

XcDESKeyParity public property

public uint XcDESKeyParity
return uint

XcHMAC public property

public uint XcHMAC
return uint

XcKeyTable public property

public uint XcKeyTable
return uint

XcModExp public property

public uint XcModExp
return uint

XcPKDecPrivate public property

public uint XcPKDecPrivate
return uint

XcPKEncPublic public property

public uint XcPKEncPublic
return uint

XcPKGetKeyLen public property

public uint XcPKGetKeyLen
return uint

XcRC4Crypt public property

public uint XcRC4Crypt
return uint

XcRC4Key public property

public uint XcRC4Key
return uint

XcSHAFinal public property

public uint XcSHAFinal
return uint

XcSHAInit public property

public uint XcSHAInit
return uint

XcSHAUpdate public property

public uint XcSHAUpdate
return uint

XcUpdateCrypto public property

public uint XcUpdateCrypto
return uint

XcVerifyPKCS1Signature public property

public uint XcVerifyPKCS1Signature
return uint

XeImageFileName public property

public uint XeImageFileName
return uint

XeLoadSection public property

public uint XeLoadSection
return uint

XePublicKeyData public property

public uint XePublicKeyData
return uint

XeUnloadSection public property

public uint XeUnloadSection
return uint

snprintf public property

public uint snprintf
return uint

sprintf public property

public uint sprintf
return uint

vsnprintf public property

public uint vsnprintf
return uint

vsprintf public property

public uint vsprintf
return uint