C# Class Wix.SonarQube.JavaVersionHelper

Show file Open project: SonarQubeCommunity/sonarqube-windows-installer

Public Methods

Method Description
GetJavaVersionInformation ( ) : JavaVersionInformation

Returns the installed java version and the architecture

IsExpectedJavaVersionInstalled ( JavaVersionInformation information, string version ) : bool

Compares if the installed version of java matches with the operating system's

Method Details

GetJavaVersionInformation() public static method

Returns the installed java version and the architecture
public static GetJavaVersionInformation ( ) : JavaVersionInformation
return JavaVersionInformation

IsExpectedJavaVersionInstalled() public static method

Compares if the installed version of java matches with the operating system's
public static IsExpectedJavaVersionInstalled ( JavaVersionInformation information, string version ) : bool
information JavaVersionInformation
version string
return bool