C# Class Windows8.Conference.WebRTC.VideoRenderProvider

Inheritance: FM.IceLink.WebRTC.VideoRenderProvider
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Public Methods

Method Description
Destroy ( ) : void
GetControl ( ) : object
Initialize ( VideoRenderInitializeArgs renderArgs ) : void
Render ( VideoBuffer frame ) : void
VideoRenderProvider ( ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

VideoRenderProvider ( Image image ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

VideoRenderProvider ( Image image, LayoutScale scale ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

VideoRenderProvider ( Image image, bool disableContextMenu ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

VideoRenderProvider ( Image image, bool disableContextMenu, LayoutScale scale ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

VideoRenderProvider ( LayoutScale scale ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

VideoRenderProvider ( bool disableContextMenu ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

VideoRenderProvider ( bool disableContextMenu, LayoutScale scale ) : FM

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.

Private Methods

Method Description
Initialize ( bool disableContextMenu, LayoutScale scale ) : void

Method Details

Destroy() public method

public Destroy ( ) : void
return void

GetControl() public method

public GetControl ( ) : object
return object

Initialize() public method

public Initialize ( VideoRenderInitializeArgs renderArgs ) : void
renderArgs VideoRenderInitializeArgs
return void

Render() public method

public Render ( VideoBuffer frame ) : void
frame VideoBuffer
return void

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( ) : FM
return FM

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( Image image ) : FM
image Image The Image to target.
return FM

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( Image image, LayoutScale scale ) : FM
image Image The Image to target.
scale LayoutScale The scaling algorithm to use.
return FM

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( Image image, bool disableContextMenu ) : FM
image Image The Image to target.
disableContextMenu bool Whether or not to disable the context menu.
return FM

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( Image image, bool disableContextMenu, LayoutScale scale ) : FM
image Image The Image to target.
disableContextMenu bool Whether or not to disable the context menu.
scale LayoutScale The scaling algorithm to use.
return FM

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( LayoutScale scale ) : FM
scale LayoutScale The scaling algorithm to use.
return FM

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( bool disableContextMenu ) : FM
disableContextMenu bool Whether or not to disable the context menu.
return FM

VideoRenderProvider() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ImageVideoRenderProvider class.
public VideoRenderProvider ( bool disableContextMenu, LayoutScale scale ) : FM
disableContextMenu bool Whether or not to disable the context menu.
scale LayoutScale The scaling algorithm to use.
return FM