C# Class WinLib.Network.NetworkInterface.IPGatewayAddress

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
Address string
GatewayMetric ushort

Public Methods

Method Description
IPGatewayAddress ( ) : System

to make the class serializable

IPGatewayAddress ( string ip, ushort gwMetric ) : System

Method Details

IPGatewayAddress() public method

to make the class serializable
public IPGatewayAddress ( ) : System
return System

IPGatewayAddress() public method

public IPGatewayAddress ( string ip, ushort gwMetric ) : System
ip string
gwMetric ushort
return System

Property Details

Address public property

public string Address
return string

GatewayMetric public property

public ushort GatewayMetric
return ushort