C# Class Visual.TagListParameters

Parameters for listing tags
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
ExcludeMachineTags bool
Order GenericSort
OrderBy TagListSort
PageOffset int?
ReformatTags bool
Search string
Size int?

Property Details

ExcludeMachineTags public property

Exclude machine tags from the result
public bool ExcludeMachineTags
return bool

Order public property

Ordering of the returned tag list
public GenericSort Order
return GenericSort

OrderBy public property

Ordering property of the returned tag list
public TagListSort OrderBy
return TagListSort

PageOffset public property

Page offset
public int? PageOffset
return int?

ReformatTags public property

Reformat tags to be humanly readable
public bool ReformatTags
return bool

Search public property

Search string to use. Set to null to exclude
public string Search
return string

Size public property

Maximum number of tags to return
public int? Size
return int?