C# Class VSNDK.DebugEngine.VariableInfo

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
_GDBName string
_children System.Collections.ArrayList
_name string
_type string
_value string

Public Methods

Method Description
VariableInfo ( string name, string type, string value, string GDBName ) : System

Constructor for Variable Info Object without inquiring for the variable's children.

VariableInfo ( string name, string type, string baseType, string value, EventDispatcher dispatcher, ArrayList GDBNames, ArrayList VSNames ) : System

Constructor for Variable Info Object inquiring for the variable's children

create ( string name, string type, string value, EventDispatcher dispatcher ) : VariableInfo

Call the right VariableInfo constructor for locals and arguments.

evaluateExpression ( string name, string &result, string GDBName ) : bool

Evaluate an expression / Get the value of a variable. This method basically send a "-data-evaluate-expression" command to GDB and evaluate the result.

get ( string name, EventDispatcher m_eventDispatcher, AD7StackFrame m_frame ) : VariableInfo

Gets the information about a variable/expression.

listChildren ( EventDispatcher dispatcher, string parentType, ArrayList GDBNames, ArrayList VSNames, bool hasVsNdK_, string GDBName ) : void

Gets the list of children for a given variable.

Method Details

VariableInfo() public method

Constructor for Variable Info Object without inquiring for the variable's children.
public VariableInfo ( string name, string type, string value, string GDBName ) : System
name string The name of the variable.
type string The data type of the variable.
value string The value of the variable.
GDBName string The GDB Name of the variable.
return System

VariableInfo() public method

Constructor for Variable Info Object inquiring for the variable's children
public VariableInfo ( string name, string type, string baseType, string value, EventDispatcher dispatcher, ArrayList GDBNames, ArrayList VSNames ) : System
name string The name of the variable.
type string The data type of the variable.
baseType string The base type of the variable.
value string The value of the variable.
dispatcher EventDispatcher The event dispatcher.
GDBNames System.Collections.ArrayList The names of the variables used by GDB.
VSNames System.Collections.ArrayList The Names of the variables used by VS.
return System

create() public static method

Call the right VariableInfo constructor for locals and arguments.
public static create ( string name, string type, string value, EventDispatcher dispatcher ) : VariableInfo
name string The name of the variable.
type string The data type of the variable.
value string The value of the variable.
dispatcher EventDispatcher The event dispatcher.
return VariableInfo

evaluateExpression() public static method

Evaluate an expression / Get the value of a variable. This method basically send a "-data-evaluate-expression" command to GDB and evaluate the result.
public static evaluateExpression ( string name, string &result, string GDBName ) : bool
name string The expression/variable to be evaluated.
result string The result of the expression/ value of variable.
GDBName string The GDB Name of the variable.
return bool

get() public static method

Gets the information about a variable/expression.
public static get ( string name, EventDispatcher m_eventDispatcher, AD7StackFrame m_frame ) : VariableInfo
name string Variable name / expression.
m_eventDispatcher EventDispatcher The event dispatcher.
m_frame AD7StackFrame Current stack frame.
return VariableInfo

listChildren() public method

Gets the list of children for a given variable.
public listChildren ( EventDispatcher dispatcher, string parentType, ArrayList GDBNames, ArrayList VSNames, bool hasVsNdK_, string GDBName ) : void
dispatcher EventDispatcher The event dispatcher.
parentType string The variable's parent data type. "*" means it is a pointer; "struct[]" means it is an array of /// structures; "struct" means it is a structure; and "[]" means it is an array.
GDBNames System.Collections.ArrayList The names of the variables used by GDB.
VSNames System.Collections.ArrayList The Names of the variables used by VS.
hasVsNdK_ bool Indicate if the variable name uses or not the prefix "VsNdK_".
GDBName string The GDB Name of the variable.
return void

Property Details

_GDBName public property

Variable's name to be used by GDB.
public string _GDBName
return string

_children public property

List of variable's children.
public ArrayList,System.Collections _children
return System.Collections.ArrayList

_name public property

Variable's name or expression.
public string _name
return string

_type public property

Variable's data type.
public string _type
return string

_value public property

Variable's value or the result of an expression.
public string _value
return string