C# Class VSNDK.DebugEngine.BreakpointManager

This class manages breakpoints for the engine.
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Public Methods

Method Description
BreakpointManager ( AD7Engine engine ) : System

Breakpoint manager constructor.

ClearBoundBreakpoints ( ) : void

Called from the engine's detach method to remove the debugger's breakpoint instructions.

CreatePendingBreakpoint ( IDebugBreakpointRequest2 pBPRequest, IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 &ppPendingBP ) : void

A helper method used to construct a new pending breakpoint.

RemoteAdd ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : int

Creates an entry and remotely enables the breakpoint in the debug stub.

RemoteDelete ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : void

Remove the associated bound breakpoint.

RemoteDisable ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : void

Disable bound breakpoint.

RemoteEnable ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : void

Enable bound breakpoint.

getBoundBreakpointForGDBID ( uint GDB_ID ) : AD7BoundBreakpoint

Return the active bound breakpoint matching the given GDB ID.

Method Details

BreakpointManager() public method

Breakpoint manager constructor.
public BreakpointManager ( AD7Engine engine ) : System
engine AD7Engine Associated Debug Engine.
return System

ClearBoundBreakpoints() public method

Called from the engine's detach method to remove the debugger's breakpoint instructions.
public ClearBoundBreakpoints ( ) : void
return void

CreatePendingBreakpoint() public method

A helper method used to construct a new pending breakpoint.
public CreatePendingBreakpoint ( IDebugBreakpointRequest2 pBPRequest, IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 &ppPendingBP ) : void
pBPRequest IDebugBreakpointRequest2 An IDebugBreakpointRequest2 object that describes the pending breakpoint to create.
ppPendingBP IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 Returns an IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 object that represents the pending breakpoint.
return void

RemoteAdd() public method

Creates an entry and remotely enables the breakpoint in the debug stub.
public RemoteAdd ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : int
aBBP AD7BoundBreakpoint The bound breakpoint to add.
return int

RemoteDelete() public method

Remove the associated bound breakpoint.
public RemoteDelete ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : void
aBBP AD7BoundBreakpoint The breakpoint to remove.
return void

RemoteDisable() public method

Disable bound breakpoint.
public RemoteDisable ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : void
aBBP AD7BoundBreakpoint The Bound breakpoint to disable.
return void

RemoteEnable() public method

Enable bound breakpoint.
public RemoteEnable ( AD7BoundBreakpoint aBBP ) : void
aBBP AD7BoundBreakpoint The Bound breakpoint to enable.
return void

getBoundBreakpointForGDBID() public method

Return the active bound breakpoint matching the given GDB ID.
public getBoundBreakpointForGDBID ( uint GDB_ID ) : AD7BoundBreakpoint
GDB_ID uint Breakpoint ID in GDB.
return AD7BoundBreakpoint