C# Class TvLibrary.Implementations.DVB.Structures.PidInfo

Structure holding all information about a single pid
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
ES_info_length int
isAC3Audio bool
isAudio bool
isDVBSubtitle bool
isEAC3Audio bool
isTeletext bool
isVideo bool
language string
pid int
reserved_1 int
reserved_2 int
stream_type int
teletextLANG string

Public Methods

Method Description
Ac3Pid ( int ac3Pid, string audioLanguage ) : void

Ctor for an ac3 pid

AddDescriptorData ( byte data ) : void

Set the content of the descriptor for this PID

AudioPid ( int audioPid, string audioLanguage ) : void

Ctor for an audio pid

GetDescriptorData ( ) : byte[]

Returns the descriptor data

HasDescriptorData ( ) : bool

Checks if the descriptor data has been set

SubtitlePid ( int subtitlePid ) : void

ctor for a subtitle pid

TeletextPid ( int teletextPid ) : void

ctor for a teletext pid

ToString ( ) : string

Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.

VideoPid ( int videoPid, int streamType ) : void

Ctor for an video pid

Method Details

Ac3Pid() public method

Ctor for an ac3 pid
public Ac3Pid ( int ac3Pid, string audioLanguage ) : void
ac3Pid int The ac3 pid.
audioLanguage string The audio language.
return void

AddDescriptorData() public method

Set the content of the descriptor for this PID
public AddDescriptorData ( byte data ) : void
data byte
return void

AudioPid() public method

Ctor for an audio pid
public AudioPid ( int audioPid, string audioLanguage ) : void
audioPid int The audio pid.
audioLanguage string The audio language.
return void

GetDescriptorData() public method

Returns the descriptor data
public GetDescriptorData ( ) : byte[]
return byte[]

HasDescriptorData() public method

Checks if the descriptor data has been set
public HasDescriptorData ( ) : bool
return bool

SubtitlePid() public method

ctor for a subtitle pid
public SubtitlePid ( int subtitlePid ) : void
subtitlePid int The subtitle pid.
return void

TeletextPid() public method

ctor for a teletext pid
public TeletextPid ( int teletextPid ) : void
teletextPid int The teletext pid.
return void

ToString() public method

Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

VideoPid() public method

Ctor for an video pid
public VideoPid ( int videoPid, int streamType ) : void
videoPid int The video pid.
streamType int the stream Type.
return void

Property Details

ES_info_length public property

es info length
public int ES_info_length
return int

isAC3Audio public property

true if pid contains ac3 audio
public bool isAC3Audio
return bool

isAudio public property

true if pid contains mpeg1/2 or aac audio
public bool isAudio
return bool

isDVBSubtitle public property

true if pid contains dvb subtitles
public bool isDVBSubtitle
return bool

isEAC3Audio public property

true if pid contains e_ac3 audio
public bool isEAC3Audio
return bool

isTeletext public property

true if pid contains teletext
public bool isTeletext
return bool

isVideo public property

true if pid contains video
public bool isVideo
return bool

language public property

audio language
public string language
return string

pid public property

public int pid
return int

reserved_1 public property

public int reserved_1
return int

reserved_2 public property

public int reserved_2
return int

stream_type public property

stream type
public int stream_type
return int

teletextLANG public property

teletext language
public string teletextLANG
return string