C# Class System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument

Inheritance: IXPathNavigable
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Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddIdElement void
AddNamespace void
GetCollapsedTextNode int
GetRootNode int
GetXmlNamespaceNode int
LoadFromReader void
LoadFromWriter XmlRawWriter
LookupIdElement int
LookupNamespaces int
SetCollapsedTextNode void
SetRootNode void
SetXmlNamespaceNode void
SetupReader XmlTextReaderImpl
XPathDocument System
XPathDocument System

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateNavigator ( ) : XPathNavigator

Create a navigator positioned on the root node of the document.

XPathDocument ( Stream stream ) : System

Create a new document and load the content from the stream.

XPathDocument ( TextReader textReader ) : System

Create a new document and load the content from the text reader.

XPathDocument ( XmlReader reader ) : System

Create a new document and load the content from the reader.

XPathDocument ( XmlReader reader, XmlSpace space ) : System

Create a new document from "reader", with whitespace handling controlled according to "space".

XPathDocument ( string uri ) : System

Create a new document and load the content from the Uri.

XPathDocument ( string uri, XmlSpace space ) : System

Create a new document and load the content from the Uri, with whitespace handling controlled according to "space".

Private Methods

Method Description
AddIdElement ( string id, System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode pageElem, int idxElem ) : void

Add an element indexed by ID value.

AddNamespace ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode pageElem, int idxElem, System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode pageNmsp, int idxNmsp ) : void

Associate a namespace node with an element.

GetCollapsedTextNode ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode &pageText ) : int

Return the singleton collapsed text node associated with the document. One physical text node represents each logical text node in the document that is the only content-typed child of its element parent.

GetRootNode ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode &pageRoot ) : int

Return the root node of the document. This may not be a node of type XPathNodeType.Root if this is a document fragment.

GetXmlNamespaceNode ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode &pageXmlNmsp ) : int

Every document has an implicit xmlns:xml namespace node.

LoadFromReader ( System.IO.XmlReader reader, XmlSpace space ) : void

Create a writer that can be used to create nodes in this document. The root node will be assigned "baseUri", and flags can be passed to indicate that names should be atomized by the builder and/or a fragment should be created.

LoadFromWriter ( LoadFlags flags, string baseUri ) : XmlRawWriter

Create a writer that can be used to create nodes in this document. The root node will be assigned "baseUri", and flags can be passed to indicate that names should be atomized by the builder and/or a fragment should be created.

LookupIdElement ( string id, System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode &pageElem ) : int

Lookup the element node associated with the specified ID value.

LookupNamespaces ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode pageElem, int idxElem, System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode &pageNmsp ) : int

Lookup the namespace nodes associated with an element.

SetCollapsedTextNode ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode pageText, int idxText ) : void

Set the page and index where the singleton collapsed text node is stored.

SetRootNode ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode pageRoot, int idxRoot ) : void

Set the page and index where the root node is stored.

SetXmlNamespaceNode ( System.Xml.XPath.XPathNode pageXmlNmsp, int idxXmlNmsp ) : void

Set the page and index where the implicit xmlns:xml node is stored.

SetupReader ( XmlTextReaderImpl reader ) : XmlTextReaderImpl

Set properties on the reader so that it is backwards-compatible with V1.

XPathDocument ( ) : System

Create a new empty document.

XPathDocument ( XmlNameTable nameTable ) : System

Create a new empty document. All names should be atomized using "nameTable".

Method Details

CreateNavigator() public method

Create a navigator positioned on the root node of the document.
public CreateNavigator ( ) : XPathNavigator
return XPathNavigator

XPathDocument() public method

Create a new document and load the content from the stream.
public XPathDocument ( Stream stream ) : System
stream Stream
return System

XPathDocument() public method

Create a new document and load the content from the text reader.
public XPathDocument ( TextReader textReader ) : System
textReader TextReader
return System

XPathDocument() public method

Create a new document and load the content from the reader.
public XPathDocument ( XmlReader reader ) : System
reader XmlReader
return System

XPathDocument() public method

Create a new document from "reader", with whitespace handling controlled according to "space".
public XPathDocument ( XmlReader reader, XmlSpace space ) : System
reader XmlReader
space XmlSpace
return System

XPathDocument() public method

Create a new document and load the content from the Uri.
public XPathDocument ( string uri ) : System
uri string
return System

XPathDocument() public method

Create a new document and load the content from the Uri, with whitespace handling controlled according to "space".
public XPathDocument ( string uri, XmlSpace space ) : System
uri string
space XmlSpace
return System