C# Class StatePrinting.OutputFormatters.XmlStyle

Formatting the tokens to an XML style representation. In order to reduce clutter in the output, only reference that are referred to by later outputted objects will have a referencenumber attached to them.
Inheritance: IOutputFormatter
Show file Open project: kbilsted/StatePrinter

Public Methods

Method Description
Print ( List tokens ) : string
XmlStyle ( Configuration configuration ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
MakeString ( List tokens ) : string
MakeTokenString ( Token token, IndentingStringBuilder sb, Stack endTags ) : void
TagName ( Token token, string &keyAttr ) : string
Unquote ( string s ) : string

Method Details

Print() public method

public Print ( List tokens ) : string
tokens List
return string

XmlStyle() public method

public XmlStyle ( Configuration configuration ) : System
configuration StatePrinting.Configurations.Configuration
return System