C# Class Spring.Retry.Retry.Policy.ExceptionClassifierRetryPolicy

TODO: Update summary.
Inheritance: IRetryPolicy
Show file Open project: spring-projects/spring-net-retry

Public Methods

Method Description
CanRetry ( IRetryContext context ) : bool

Delegate to the policy currently activated in the context. IRetryPolicy.CanRetry

Close ( IRetryContext context ) : void

Delegate to the policy currently activated in the context. IRetryPolicy.Close

Open ( IRetryContext parent ) : IRetryContext

Create an active context that proxies a retry policy by chosing a target from the policy map. IRetryPolicy.Open

RegisterException ( IRetryContext context, Exception exception ) : void

The register exception.

SetPolicyMap ( IRetryPolicy>.IDictionary policyMap ) : void

Setter for policy map used to create a classifier. Either this property or the exception classifier directly should be set, but not both.

Method Details

CanRetry() public method

Delegate to the policy currently activated in the context. IRetryPolicy.CanRetry
public CanRetry ( IRetryContext context ) : bool
context IRetryContext The context.
return bool

Close() public method

Delegate to the policy currently activated in the context. IRetryPolicy.Close
public Close ( IRetryContext context ) : void
context IRetryContext The context.
return void

Open() public method

Create an active context that proxies a retry policy by chosing a target from the policy map. IRetryPolicy.Open
public Open ( IRetryContext parent ) : IRetryContext
parent IRetryContext The parent.
return IRetryContext

RegisterException() public method

The register exception.
public RegisterException ( IRetryContext context, Exception exception ) : void
context IRetryContext The context.
exception System.Exception The exception.
return void

SetPolicyMap() public method

Setter for policy map used to create a classifier. Either this property or the exception classifier directly should be set, but not both.
public SetPolicyMap ( IRetryPolicy>.IDictionary policyMap ) : void
policyMap IRetryPolicy>.IDictionary A map of Exception type to that will be used to create a to locate a policy.
return void