C# Class SobekCM.Builder_Library.Worker_BulkLoader

Class is the worker thread for the main bulk loader processor
Show file Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Perform_BulkLoader ( bool Verbose ) : bool

Performs the bulk loader process and handles any incoming digital resources

Refresh_Settings_And_Item_List ( ) : bool

Refresh the settings and item list from the database

ReleaseResources ( ) : void

Release all the resources held in this class and all the related builder modules

Worker_BulkLoader ( SobekCM.Tools.Logs.LogFileXhtml Logger, Single_Instance_Configuration InstanceInfo, bool Verbose, string LogFileDirectory, string PluginRootDirectory ) : System

Constructor for a new instance of the Worker_BulkLoader class

Private Methods

Method Description
Add_Aggregation_To_Refresh_List ( string Code ) : void
Add_Complete_To_Log ( string LogStatement, string DbLogType, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID ) : void
Add_Delete_Info_To_PostProcess_Lists ( string BibID, string VID, IEnumerable Codes ) : void
Add_Error_To_Log ( string LogStatement, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID ) : long
Add_Error_To_Log ( string LogStatement, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID, Exception Ee ) : void
Add_NonError_To_Log ( string LogStatement, bool IsVerbose, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID ) : long
Add_NonError_To_Log ( string LogStatement, string DbLogType, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID ) : long
Add_Process_Info_To_PostProcess_Lists ( string BibID, string VID, IEnumerable Codes ) : void
CheckForAbort ( ) : bool
Complete_Any_Recent_Loads_Requiring_Additional_Work ( ) : void
Complete_Single_Recent_Load_Requiring_Additional_Work ( Incoming_Digital_Resource AdditionalWorkResource ) : void
Process_All_Deletes ( List Deletes ) : void
Process_All_Incoming_Packages ( List IncomingPackages ) : void
Process_Single_Incoming_Package ( Incoming_Digital_Resource ResourcePackage ) : void
ReportLastRun ( ) : void
module_Error ( string LogStatement, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID ) : long
module_Process ( string LogStatement, string DbLogType, string BibID_VID, string MetsType, long RelatedLogID ) : long

Method Details

Perform_BulkLoader() public method

Performs the bulk loader process and handles any incoming digital resources
public Perform_BulkLoader ( bool Verbose ) : bool
Verbose bool
return bool

Refresh_Settings_And_Item_List() public method

Refresh the settings and item list from the database
public Refresh_Settings_And_Item_List ( ) : bool
return bool

ReleaseResources() public method

Release all the resources held in this class and all the related builder modules
public ReleaseResources ( ) : void
return void

Worker_BulkLoader() public method

Constructor for a new instance of the Worker_BulkLoader class
public Worker_BulkLoader ( SobekCM.Tools.Logs.LogFileXhtml Logger, Single_Instance_Configuration InstanceInfo, bool Verbose, string LogFileDirectory, string PluginRootDirectory ) : System
Logger SobekCM.Tools.Logs.LogFileXhtml Log file object for logging progress
InstanceInfo SobekCM.Builder_Library.Settings.Single_Instance_Configuration Information for the instance of SobekCM to be processed by this bulk loader
Verbose bool Flag indicates if the builder is in verbose mode, where it should log alot more information
LogFileDirectory string Directory where any log files would be written
PluginRootDirectory string Root directory where all the plug-ins are stored locally for the builder
return System