C# Class Slapper.AutoMapper.Cache.TypeMap

A TypeMap holds data relevant for a particular Type.
Show file Open project: SlapperAutoMapper/Slapper.AutoMapper

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Identifiers IEnumerable
PropertiesAndFieldsInfo object>.Dictionary
Type System.Type

Public Methods

Method Description
TypeMap ( Type type, IEnumerable identifiers, object>.Dictionary propertiesAndFields ) : System

Creates a new TypeMap.

Method Details

TypeMap() public method

Creates a new TypeMap.
public TypeMap ( Type type, IEnumerable identifiers, object>.Dictionary propertiesAndFields ) : System
type System.Type Type to map.
identifiers IEnumerable The s identifiers.
propertiesAndFields object>.Dictionary The s properties and fields.
return System

Property Details

Identifiers public property

List of identifiers
public IEnumerable Identifiers
return IEnumerable

PropertiesAndFieldsInfo public property

Property/field names and their corresponding PropertyInfo/FieldInfo objects
public Dictionary PropertiesAndFieldsInfo
return object>.Dictionary

Type public property

Type for this TypeMap
public Type,System Type
return System.Type