C# Class SILUBS.ScriptureChecks.CapitalizationCheck

Check for capitalization: styles that should begin with a capital letter and words after sentence-final punctuation.
Inheritance: IScriptureCheck
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Public Methods

Method Description
CapitalizationCheck ( IChecksDataSource _checksDataSource ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the CapitalizationCheck class.

Check ( IEnumerable toks, RecordErrorHandler record ) : void

Checks the specified Scripture tokens for capitalization within styles.

GetReferences ( IEnumerable tokens ) : List

Gets the references where capitalization errors occurred.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddListToDictionary ( List list, StyleCapInfo capType ) : void

Adds the list of styles to dictionary.

CreateCapitalStyleDictionary ( ) : void

Creates the dictionary of styles information that will be used in this check.

GetErrorMessage ( IChecksDataSource dataSource, StyleCapInfo capReasonType, string styleName ) : string

Gets the error message given the style's reason for capitalization.

Localize ( string strToLocalize ) : string

Returns a localized version of the specified string.

Method Details

CapitalizationCheck() public method

Initializes a new instance of the CapitalizationCheck class.
public CapitalizationCheck ( IChecksDataSource _checksDataSource ) : System
_checksDataSource IChecksDataSource The data source for the check.
return System

Check() public method

Checks the specified Scripture tokens for capitalization within styles.
public Check ( IEnumerable toks, RecordErrorHandler record ) : void
toks IEnumerable The tokens from scripture.
record RecordErrorHandler The record.
return void

GetReferences() public method

Gets the references where capitalization errors occurred.
public GetReferences ( IEnumerable tokens ) : List
tokens IEnumerable The Scripture tokens.
return List